wanna help me?


TPF Noob!
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Ok, so ive been shooting photos like a mad man in the past year, i have collected a decent amount that i like enough to put online, since i upgraded my flickr account to pro ive uploaded around 900 photos. I have tried narrowing down the ones that i find to be the best, however i find myself incapable of being objective, so i humbly ask for advice, expertise, etc from anyone that wants to offer an opinion on which photos i could use to build a decent portfolio. I dont expect anyone to want to weed through all of the 900 photos (that would be nice though ;p )

but if you could go through some of them, or even "my all time favorites" (which has ~150 photos) set on my flickr. maybe give me some comments or some feedback in whatever way you are willing.

Flickr: foned's Photostream


My All Time Favorites! - a set on Flickr

any help is much appreciated!
i'll try and help when i get the time. just a quick thought... when i have this problem i go to either my girlfriend or my mom. they are my worst critiques but since my gf knows some composition(shes an architect) she is favored. you could try and do somethin similar see if it works.
i'll try and help when i get the time. just a quick thought... when i have this problem i go to either my girlfriend or my mom. they are my worst critiques but since my gf know some composition(shes an architect) she is favored. you could try and do somethin similar see if it works.

I feel like ive asked all of my family and friends too much already! haha. but i have definitely used this technique, my girlfriend is an artist herself (painting, sketching etc) i also have my brother and his girlfriend who are big into photography, but it just seems like such a big job.

I appreciate everyones help! i guess i just need new perspective too, outside of people who know me, or know the people ive shot.
forgot to mention this... but in time you will be your greatest critique. nobody know you style better than you and nobody know your target and intent better than you. Read up on composition, a lot, and look at photos(heck that is all i do in my spare time... look at photos, great relaxation and at the same time practice) of every kind and style and from various photographers, that will help you develop your style.
lmao.. i had to stop cause flickr started asking me to type words in with every comment to "prove" i am human.. lol i gave a few already.. u have some good photos.. ill go back to it in the morning or whenever that things stops asking me to prove im human..
lmao.. i had to stop cause flickr started asking me to type words in with every comment to "prove" i am human.. lol i gave a few already.. u have some good photos.. ill go back to it in the morning or whenever that things stops asking me to prove im human..

damn it! you were really typing fast than! :lol:
haha damn! you guys have given me loads of comments! thank you very much. I agree that eventually i'll be my own best critique, i think i can find bad in a lot of my photos, but i want good photos so much that i overlook some of the negative lol.

thanks again!

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