Wanting Feedback

May 24, 2012
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I am going to post a couple of my recent photos and would love to get some feedback. I know I still have a long way to go with growth as a photographer, but I'd love some pointers.

1 $014.webp
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First point, in future, please number your images and upload them in columnar format; it makes for easier reference.

(Reading L->R, T->B)
1. Nice exposure; cute shot. When shooting portraits of any sort, it's generally best to shoot at the subject's level rather than down on to them. Watch your backgrounds; the empty bench adds nothing to the image and try and avoid centering the subject quite so much if possible.

2. Not bad, but could use a little more room on the RH side.

3. Good exposure, nice monochrome, but an awkward crop. Avoid cropping off bits of people, such as her left-hand fingers.

4. Again, nice exposure; the bright foliage in the background is somewhat distracting however.

5. Nice, don't you think you should have called the police?? Some creep is pawing her! ;) Seriously though, watch things such as the disembodied hand. You know how she was sitting, but we don't and it looks a little odd.

Overall, they're a nice set, some compositional issues, and they appear that they have been slightly over-sharpened, but still, good images.

Just my $00.02 worth - your mileage may vary.

1 would benefit from a larger aperture to blur background

2 looks cool (as in needs warming/wb adjustment)

5 maybe vertical crop?
Over all your pictures are good. Just work on your composition and the white balance in your black and whites. In the first black and white photo your whites are a little grey.
thanks everyone. I'd love to have a more open aperture, but unfortunately the best I can get is a f/4.0 with my current lens. Thanks for the pointers on composition, that is something I've been trying to work on keeping my eye sharp for.
$028.webp I know I should have done a little better with the "rule of thirds" here, but other than that?

$017.bw.webpIs this more pleasing composition than the previous version of this photo?

$web02 (6 of 7).webp anything you can advise for this one? Maybe a little more on the RH side?
thanks everyone. I'd love to have a more open aperture, but unfortunately the best I can get is a f/4.0 with my current lens. Thanks for the pointers on composition, that is something I've been trying to work on keeping my eye sharp for.

Buy a better lens or 6.

#3 in the first set would be a good shot with a tighter crop.
thanks everyone. I'd love to have a more open aperture, but unfortunately the best I can get is a f/4.0 with my current lens. Thanks for the pointers on composition, that is something I've been trying to work on keeping my eye sharp for.

Buy a better lens or 6.

#3 in the first set would be a good shot with a tighter crop.

That's not always practical. Heck who wouldn't love to buy 6 better lenses, I know I sure as heck would! I shot with a Nikon D40 for a LONG time while saving up for a better camera. (In the mean time, my "camera fund" got blown twice on tires for the car and dental work for the kids). I learned to use what I had to it's full potential, got one better lens knowing it would be manual focus on my craptastic starter camera, and learned how to use it correctly. I maxed out the ISO at what, 1600? It's not always about gear (though in this case, a lens that allows for a larger aperture would help), but about making the most with what you have and learning every day.

OP- I do think the vertical orientation of the B&W of her against the wall is better, but the crop at her thighs seems a little awkward.

You have a good handle on some of the basics. Keep shooting!
thanks everyone. I'd love to have a more open aperture, but unfortunately the best I can get is a f/4.0 with my current lens. Thanks for the pointers on composition, that is something I've been trying to work on keeping my eye sharp for.

Buy a better lens or 6.

#3 in the first set would be a good shot with a tighter crop.

That's not always practical. Heck who wouldn't love to buy 6 better lenses, I know I sure as heck would! I shot with a Nikon D40 for a LONG time while saving up for a better camera. (In the mean time, my "camera fund" got blown twice on tires for the car and dental work for the kids). I learned to use what I had to it's full potential, got one better lens knowing it would be manual focus on my craptastic starter camera, and learned how to use it correctly. I maxed out the ISO at what, 1600? It's not always about gear (though in this case, a lens that allows for a larger aperture would help), but about making the most with what you have and learning every day.

OP- I do think the vertical orientation of the B&W of her against the wall is better, but the crop at her thighs seems a little awkward.

You have a good handle on some of the basics. Keep shooting!

After a certain point better gear is necessary and wanted. She obviously needs and wants better gear. And for the record photography is not a hobby for the practical minded folk. You have to be off your rocker to want to be a photographer. Even cheap gear isnt cheap.

But if you are smart you can get extremely good quality lenses for not much money. I like to use m42 screw mount lenses with adaptors. You can get some of these for less than $100 and an adapter is like $2.

Here is a yashinon 50mm f1.9 ( I have a copy of this lens) for only $35 buy it now.

YASHICA YASHINON-DS 50MM F1.9 PRIME LENS/M42 Manual Heavy Metal Prime Lens | eBay
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
thanks everyone. I'd love to have a more open aperture, but unfortunately the best I can get is a f/4.0 with my current lens. Thanks for the pointers on composition, that is something I've been trying to work on keeping my eye sharp for.

Buy a better lens or 6.

#3 in the first set would be a good shot with a tighter crop.

That's not always practical. Heck who wouldn't love to buy 6 better lenses, I know I sure as heck would! I shot with a Nikon D40 for a LONG time while saving up for a better camera. (In the mean time, my "camera fund" got blown twice on tires for the car and dental work for the kids). I learned to use what I had to it's full potential, got one better lens knowing it would be manual focus on my craptastic starter camera, and learned how to use it correctly. I maxed out the ISO at what, 1600? It's not always about gear (though in this case, a lens that allows for a larger aperture would help), but about making the most with what you have and learning every day.

OP- I do think the vertical orientation of the B&W of her against the wall is better, but the crop at her thighs seems a little awkward.

You have a good handle on some of the basics. Keep shooting!

Thanks. I shoot with a Canon EOS Rebel T2i and the kit lens. I make the best with what I have, but I can't afford anything new right now. I'm a newlywed and we are saving for a house... much more important than camera gear :P I think on most of those I used a f4.0 ISO 100 with variable shutter speed around 1/100 to 1/200
I understand, and now that he's elaborated a bit joe makes a great point and has posted a lens worth checking out!

Joe I didn't mean to come across ugly or disrespectful, hope it didn't sound that way.

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