Wanting to leave the States

Moved to Off-topic as it appears that the thread has evolved into one on emigration rather than photography.

And Canada has hockey... (this coming from a hockey fan of course!)

Adri I can understand feeling like you want to get away, but maybe that's telling you to regroup and figure out what you want to do. I started out planning to major in journalism til I worked at summer camp and loved it so went into education. Good thing, or I probably would've been laid off based on the lack of jobs in local media in my area. You'd need to talk to someone at your current school to find out if that would even be a viable option (as your only major, probably not, at least at the college near me).

I looked at your site and it seems like you'd need to consider your medical condition as well as if you could travel or relocate with your dog. I'd suggest that you use resources available to you now, at the school where you're currently registered or enrolled, even if you're not sure that place fits into your long term plans. See what you can find to help you figure out what direction to go from here.

I think there's an information overload 'out there'. I was thinking that for some of us, we'd read the paper, watch some national news, but there weren't a bazillion websites including less than reputable news sources, or blogs, or social media, etc. which can sometimes provide access to good information we didn't have before but it can also overwhelm with a lot of negativity. (There was an incident locally that got national attention and I was horrified at what I saw posted by people judging a situation they knew little about; they weren't seeing our local news to know the whole story and made comments based on much inaccurate information.) I think it's a matter of figuring out what to follow online that's important to you and how to minimize and manage the rest. And I think rather than try to fix the world, or run away from it, you can do what you can in your own little corner of the world, wherever that may be.

What I see on your website is your love for dogs, which could possibly lead to doing pet portraits (I know a photographer who does that) or continuing to use your photography for charitable purposes. I also see your love for nature, so maybe a type of work that would involve outdoors would be worth considering (which I know nothing about other than outdoor ed. programs at a camp where I used to work, and a neighbor who works for a local park district).

You didn't ask so much about your photography, but I see ability and potential there. I don't do nature but have done sports and art photography and for me it's always been a sideline. Nice thing about that is I don't depend on that to pay the bills so I can do whatever I want with it! I find it rather freeing. As far as the photos, I'd streamline your site, some sections don't have enough to be a separate section; misc. is the same thing 'everybody' is doing, wine splash in a glass and car taillight trails. What stands out is your capturing light in such a beautiful way. Many of your nature and landscape photos are excellent. The one of the sunlight coming thru dew drops, one that was shot I think in the rain - wonderfully done, and shows you seem to have an eye for photography. I think you know what you're passionate about, I think it's a matter of what to do with it.

I think it can take some time to figure it all out and see where it leads. I did traditional classroom teaching for a few years til I got a job as an early intervention specialist and obviously loved it because I did that for 20+ years! I hope you're able to find what you're looking for.
Designer, I understand the gut reaction, but I'm not convinced Adri should be dismissed so quickly. He is, for instance, quite right that intolerance is rife in many countries, and is actually contemplating putting effort where his mouth is. I disagree with his approach, but am truly thankful that apathy hasn't set in yet. I'd rather a disillusioned college student than someone prepared to sit by and let a problem continue without lifting a finger to help.

Well I can't speak for Designer of course, but the assumption here is that the United States is somehow worse than most countries in this regard, when in point of fact it's actually much better than most countries in this regard.

I would also note that leaving the country really doesn't constitute putting in an effort to fix anything, at least not in my view. I'll leave off the rest as we're getting dangerously close to a political discussion here, which is not only against forum rules but from experience completely pointless. But I will say that if your concerned about intolerance then become a voice of reason. Don't jump over the fence and make a run for it hoping the grass is going to be somehow greener over there. It won't be...

And there I have to admit you're right. I still hold by my view that apathy is perhaps the worst scenario, but quite agree that changing things you don't like requires both effort and a willingness to stay and get involved.

I also agree with keeping away from the politics. All I'm really interested in is the life lessons, not taking of sides.
Turn off the TV and radio and stop reading "news" papers. Do that for a year, get a job, pay taxes, talk to real people who also don't watch TV, and you'll start to feel much better.

In other words, bury your head in the sand and drink the koolaid. Apathy is the new American Dream.
I don't know how you would infer my meaning might be anything close to your analysis.

I could have suggested that he try learning the truth by reading from my reading list, but to avoid overwhelming the kid with doing more than he could handle, I skipped that part.

Getting away from the BS is step one, and it could take anywhere from 6 months to a year to get his brain cleaned out.

.. let a problem continue without lifting a finger to help.
For your information, I do not sit quietly by. I lift more than a finger. I've been an activist for over 20 years. You haven't heard much from me on this because this site does not suffer politics freely.

Here's a quick list of some of the things I have done and continue to do on a regular basis.

Duty at our fair booth for years. Door to door canvassing. Hand out pamphlets at the Post Office, malls, other public events. Man a float in parades. Volunteer for candidates. Served as Party delegate for years, being a delegate at county, District and State. Served on committees. Showed videos one-a-month for over 2-1/2 years. Attend regular meetings. Help sponsor speakers to our city. Write letters and e-mails to my elected officials. Write letters to the local newspapers. Regularly engage new acquaintances in political talk. (just not on here)

You now stand corrected.

I'm glad we had this little chat.
.. let a problem continue without lifting a finger to help.
For your information, I do not sit quietly by. I lift more than a finger. I've been an activist for over 20 years. You haven't heard much from me on this because this site does not suffer politics freely.

It's perhaps a fine point, but I was drawing a comparison between Adri actively searching for a path as he is now and Adri as he would be if he became apathetic. I was not intending to paint you as an idle bystander, nor to draw comparisons between Adri and you in that light. I still stand by my assertion that Adri should not lose his discomfort with the intolerance he sees around him, though.

You now stand corrected.

I'm glad we had this little chat.

I certainly stand guilty of poor communication, and am sorry if it offended.
Hi all!

I am currently living in very, very far Northern California. It is a beautiful place that has a lot to offer a nature and wildlife photographer such as myself. However, I am thinking it's about time for me to leave - not just CA, but the U.S. The amount of hatred, violence, and general intolerance here is something I have grown very tired of. ....

Any kind of advice or suggestions would be very much appreciated, I feel a bit stuck right now.

Frankly you need to get a grip on the real world not just the shallow view you receive watching the news. You post shows me you have no real understanding of the world beyond the borders of the US. 1,200 people are murdered in the world each day. Of those 1,2oo only 44 occurred in the United States. You seem to think that this country has a monopoly on hate, violence and intolerance. It is the nature of the world as we know it

What are you going to do when you go to the next country and there is a killing, a rape, a bombing? You can run from the problems you see, or you can be one that strives to be part of the solution.
I certainly stand guilty of poor communication, and am sorry if it offended.
No offense taken.

My first post was intended to get his mind off all the negativity that spews from the main stream media. My own experience taught me that it takes at least 6 months to clear one's head.
Maybe if you go to some place far away, more isolated.
Such as Bear Lake, Nunavut Canada.

Oh wait, never mind, they have an extremely high violent crime rate.
==> Working together against addictions

I guess you should choose a place that has no alcohol according to that study.
There are a few unpopulated and minimally populated islands in the Pacific, but then there's that whole climate change & rising sea level thing - might not be a fantastic plan.

Funny - I grew up in during the Viet Nam war, the Civil Rights era, riots in major cities in 1968 (One morning I was watching TV, I saw the National Guard and MPDC running through my Grandparent's back yard looking for a sniper - they lived in Anacostia). I've lived through times of major drug addiction (cocaine and PCP prevalence), gang wars, Iraq, Iran, cola wars, the Chrysler K car, and disco. Somehow it seems we get through it, no matter how bad it was.
Sorry to be the downer on the subject, but stop talking about it and go. You're not talking about traveling, you're talking about moving. What could anyone else possibly tell about how to live your life?

Don't post about it, don't talk about it, just go. If you truly felt that strongly about it I don't think you'd be drawing attention over it.
I started to write something - having lived overseas, I do have something to say about it - but to be perfectly honest, I'm going to keep it to myself until I know whether or not the OP is still reading.
I started to write something - having lived overseas, I do have something to say about it - but to be perfectly honest, I'm going to keep it to myself until I know whether or not the OP is still reading.

Smart move. I however, couldn't help myself on this one. LOL
Wow, will you marry me?
Adri wake up. Hatred and intollerence is in every corner of the world. What you experience in us now isnothing compared to places all over the world where people not just hate but slaughter masses. Africa is definately not for you. Europe is becomming a hot bed. Most Arabian countries is at loggerheads. Isis making it a nightmare..and so we can continue. Frankly i dont know why you so ill informed to think it is any beter in any other place. If it is not war it is poverty. Be carefull, you dont know what you have untill you lost it.

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