water on the rocks


TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2005
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OK, so I didn't really name this picture that, but I thought it was funny.

I posted this in the nature and landscape forum, but as it's my first true attempt at manipulating a picture, I was looking for some honest criticism. I made it B/W and futzed around with the light/dark/mid tones. Also, obviously, I cropped it down. If you are interested, I can certianly post the original as well.


jocose, since you're looking for a bit of critique on this one, i'll move it to the critique gallery. there, members will focus more on critique rather than telling you how awesome your shot is :) ...but with this shot, you may get a little of that too ;)
it;s a spectacular shot of course but i feel there's something missing. it looks cut. or maybe it's just because the proportions are so extreme :D

also, it is unsymmetrical: the left side is black and the right is white.

but in general it looks very nice and i think that if it were bigger it would look better.
first off, i think its too small. maybe a link to a bigger version.

its an amazing picture, ill give you that, but i personally would like to see more of the top of the waves or none at all. On the right hand side you can see the tops of the waves and i feel that you either need to be able to see no sky or all of the tops of the waves. Seeing the tops might give more of an idea of how powerful this water is.

also i had to try hard to find something to critique :D
Thanks for the comments and the praise. Just cuz I'm such a nice guy, here is the original, untamperedwith picture. You can see better what I did after looking at this shot (FYI, I probably won't keep this picture up for too long as I don't have a lot of space on my site):

Nope. Just some rocks sticking out of the water about 10 feet from shore. It was taken in New Jersey when I was up there for my sister's wedding.

That is why I cropped it. I was trying to get a more dramatic, rushing water feel. I guess it worked, eh? :D

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