Water refraction first attempt


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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Needs work I know. I used both my 60mm macro with extension tube and Lensbaby Velvet 56 without. I used a couple of different backgrounds and varied the settings. These are the ones that cane out best. I need to work on the set up a bit more and the water/glycerin consistency. More to follow I’m sure... Tips, suggestions, critiques and feedback very welcome.

1. 60mm @ f/4
pink reflections by SharonCat..., on Flickr

2. Velvet 56
pink reflections by SharonCat..., on Flickr

3. 60mm @ f/3.2
pink reflections by SharonCat..., on Flickr

4. Velvet 56
pink reflections by SharonCat..., on Flickr

5. 60mm @ f/3.6
pink reflections by SharonCat..., on Flickr

6. Velvet 56
pink reflections by SharonCat..., on Flickr
Number 6 for the win! Nice job, especially for your first attempt. :)
Love these, especially 3!
Nice set! #3 for me. I think it has the best light and vibrancy.
All excellent, with 5 and 6 being the ones I like the most.
Wow, very nice! I like #2 because nature is a set of 3 and I like #3 because it is minimal with just one.
Nice set! #3 for me. I think it has the best light and vibrancy.

Thanks! Don’t tell the anti-processing crowd but that one was edited quite a bit to showcase the drop.

All excellent, with 5 and 6 being the ones I like the most.

Thank you!

Good set............


I like all of them, very nice

Thank you very much.

Wow, very nice! I like #2 because nature is a set of 3 and I like #3 because it is minimal with just one.

Thanks Cheryl. I did a bit more research last night about how to form the droplets a bit more uniformly and going to try some focus stacking next time.
Don’t tell the anti-processing crowd but that one was edited quite a bit to showcase the drop.
It doesn’t look like it! :icon_thumbsup:

Good! It’s a jpeg Edited on my iPad Pro. I used the “Accentuate” filter in Snapseed then cloned out some hotspots in the reflection with the healing brush. Then selectively sharpened the the drop and “smoothed” the texture in the rest. Then I darkened the flower within the drop.
Maybe set up some possible shots before adding the water drops and see how the twig will look against the background. It's such a stark line across the images, and with some it makes me feel like it would be better to move or adjust the twig's position and perspective in relation to the background. In some if the entire flower is not going to be in the composition it's a matter of how much of the flower will or won't be in the frame.

I think #5 and 6 may have the best balance in the compositions, and #6 showcases the reflection beautifully.
Nicely done! I like #s 5 & 6
Maybe set up some possible shots before adding the water drops and see how the twig will look against the background. It's such a stark line across the images, and with some it makes me feel like it would be better to move or adjust the twig's position and perspective in relation to the background. In some if the entire flower is not going to be in the composition it's a matter of how much of the flower will or won't be in the frame.

I think #5 and 6 may have the best balance in the compositions, and #6 showcases the reflection beautifully.

Thanks for your input. Moving the leaf changes the size and position of the reflection in the drop as does moving the background which is the flower being reflected. I need to work on this to get a better feel for how moving things around impacts the result. I’m hoping to try this again this weekend so your comments are very helpful.

Nicely done! I like #s 5 & 6


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