Way to go


TPF Noob!
Jul 2, 2006
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Sliedrecht, The Netherlands
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What do you guys think? I'm confused, at first I was like, mwoah, not impressive, but when I look at it for quiet a while I get interested. Do you guys feel the same? Please give me some feedback on this one!:thumbup: :wink:


Thanks for your reply!
Personally, I'd like to see a little more of where it's leading to...and the weeds or whatever that is distracts me.
Thanks guys, I'll probably be near that little bridge every day, so good chance I come back with the same shot another time. Thanks for your advice, love to hear some more.
I guess I'm with you in including the weeds in the picture. It adds some live element. But IMHO they shouldn't occupy such a big portion. What do you think?
Yeah, I wasn't quiet sure If I would include them or would not. I decided in favor of the weeds, but don't know if that was the right decision? Somebody with an opinion about this?
I believe that the weeds add a nice element of framing, however I would like to see some major statement at the end of the path to demonstrate the "leading lines" composition.

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