Weekly challenge 11/16 - 11/22 Don’t Eat That Yet!


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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For this week’s challenge, let’s get creative with food. Food photography is a profession for some and an obsession for others. It’s cold outside (for most of us), it’s the holiday season, cooking and baking are on a lot minds and food is everywhere you look. This challenge can be as easy or as tough as you want to make it but try to make it a little tough! It is a challenge after all.

Take a creative photo of your dinner or make an elaborately deconstructed sandwich photo stack or get macro with some interesting foods or food textures. Use water drops, reflections, props and lighting to focus the viewer on your subject. The possibilities with this one are endless but some effort may be required, you can do it!

As always, new photos only for the challenge please.

Here are some links to get the ideas flowing:

30 Food Photography Ideas for Beginners

15 Creative Food Photography Ideas: Go Beyond the Plate

One Light Set-Up For Food Photography

It's sorta food ... I just picked up a super zoom for travel and one interesting characteristic of it is, at very long focal lengths, one can get very close to the subject making it something of a macro lens as well.
This will be fun!
Great concept and execution Wade!

I’ve been sick all week so have not been able to shoot any of my ideas for this challenge. Hopefully the rest of the week will be better!

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