Welcome to my new blog of my pics


TPF Noob!
Nov 12, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hi everyone !

I want to present to you my blog about my perdonal pictures. As still a french photography amateur, I plan to explore more of this domain and to take the most important sense of this art according to my feelings about it.
Wish you a good visit, and of course don't hesitate to like those which please you !

Here is the link : My esthetic journey

See you in these posts and thanks in advance for the time you take to watch it :)

Nicolas B.
Welcome aboard.
A lot of TPF members won't follow a link from someone's first post, so you may do better to pick one or two photos and post them here.
Welcome aboard.
A lot of TPF members won't follow a link from someone's first post, so you may do better to pick one or two photos and post them here.
@snowbear Thanks for the advice ! Will take more time to share my content in a better way here :)
Very instagram-esque.

My favorite is the winter evergreen scene.
Ah... Yes I admit it ^^ As an amateur I use my smartphone and time to time apply some little filter. And as my beginings, notices and advices are very useful to me.
I think material makes depend the quality (atmosphere, feeling, light capture etc...) of the picture, and I plan to increase my mental and technical skills in this practice.

Anyway, thank you for your notice :)

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