Went to the park then played in Lightroom


TPF Noob!
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Atlantic Beach, Fl
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I went to Ft. Caroline today just to get out of the house and maybe take a random picture of some wildlife. It was 3PM when I got there, so lighting was a bit harsh.

When I get there, I go to the actual fort and sit on a cannon and get my camera ready. I was watching a guy in a kayak, wishing I had longer glass to get a good photo. Long of the short, I looked the other way and saw this ship headed towards me.


The more I look at it, the more I think the vignette was a bit much. I may go back and tone it back a little.

The bigger image looks pretty good. Having a turret for a neck/head comes in handy at times. :mrgreen:

I like the shot. Maybe next time get add some other shots that break classic type shots. Aim at the bow/stern/ tower of the ship for more detail on a specific part of the ship.
Nice job, glad to see you are not afraid to take photos at any time of the day.
Its cool. I do feel the vignette is a bit much but its still a nice effect. Def. a bit bigger than a kayak!
I tried to focus on the bow, but as usual, I missed the focus slightly. This thing was really moving, so I only had about two minutes from the time I noticed it until it was completely gone.

I go out and take pictures to clear my mind. When I go out, I have to focus on not dropping my camera, getting the focus right, and looking at everything to try to find an opportunity. Call it stress relief therapy if you will. I honestly didn't expect to have any keepers today, but one out of 15 isn't bad.
The composition is pretty boring in this. You should have at least left some room to the left of the ship. As it is, it's dead centre and trapped in the frame with nowhere to go, so to speak. And from a flat, straight on 2D angle like this, that is important.

Oh, and the vignette is too much on the edit IMO.

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