What color is this car?


TPF Noob!
Aug 8, 2006
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Battle Creek, MI
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Kodax TriX 100 Shot taken back in early August, about 6pm, clear sunny day.

What color is this car?

Due to the b&w photo........I am going to go with...Ummmm....:scratch: ....BLACK???!!!! :wink:
Nope....white. stark white. Pure friggin white.

When I printed it to be white, I got zero detail on anything else regardless of filter.
Print for more time and this is what I got.
i really like the way you have this printed, and was wondering, do you think you would print it to near white/white and still get detail developing intermittently with a water bath?
hmmm....that is beyond my skill set. I'm currently in my second semester of photography classes (at a community college). We haven't gotten that in depth.

I would love to print this to the true color of the car. I took this photo to give to my girlfriend's dad (who is currently building a Chevelle). I wanted the "Chevelle" to pop really well, and print it as large as I could get it (I should be able to print pretty large, the grain is super super fine, the finest I've seen with TriX - a fluke, I'm sure) and mount it and give it to him as a gift when he finishes his build.
I wish I did, but I don't.

I took this at a car show. I didn't take many photos of whole cars....that just felt cliche. I did grab a couple, but not of this one...I wish I had, now.
I showed this to a buddy of mine who dabbles in photography...and has a friend who is a pro...he showed it to the pro who thought it was done with IR.

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