What is your pet peeve about trying to capture a photo


TPF Noob!
Aug 24, 2008
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Wausau, Wisconsin
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So I dropped my step daughter off at gymnsatics last night. I had a coupld hours to burn so I brought my camera with me to look for something to shoot. As I was driving I noticed a cool sunset but noticed power lines would be in the image. So I'm driving all over the place try to find a spot where there aren't any power lines. I even went to the top of a parking garage. No dice, in every image there were power lines.

So my biggest pet peeve is power lines. I hate them. What drives you crazy trying when trying to capture an picture?
I feel you on the power lines. I have a great sunset location very close to my house, only problem is those damn power lines.
I too would have to say power lines. Unless you're out in the middle of nowehre, you are going to have powerlines! I like to shoot barns, and even they have lots of power lines going into them. I've been told to remove them in photo shop, but when you are dealing with an older barn, with many doors and shuttered upper doors and hex signs, and a shingled roof and farm equipment, removing power lines can't always be done without noticably messing up the shot. I don't like power lines, but I will not give up an otherwise nice shot, because of them either - and I'm usually criticized for it.
On the note of sunsets, mine would be topography. I have terrible sunsets because the sun is far below any treeline at the ideal time for a sunset. Nothing but hills and treelines in the distance in my area.

I like to shoot barns....
Yup, me too. Barns and old bridges are my favorite to shoot.

My main pet peeve would be places to park. I live out in the country where either the road is a major throughway and there's no where to stop, or it's a back country road where if you stopped, there's a chance of someone coming over the hill or around the bend and not having adequet time to stop. I use to ride a motorcycle and carried a camera with me everywhere. I would stop all the time and snapshoot as I didn't know a thing about photography. I have tons of images from my bike days where I would ride around everywhere for pleasure and be small enough to stop along the road. Just can't do that in a car, thus my landscape images are quite lacking in quantity because I don't roam the countryside like I use to.
Naked women photographer groupies. They're always clamoring into my shot. It's really frustrating.

Oh yeah, power lines are bad too.
constantly grey skies in this country, if you want powerlines try Thailand, I found it almost impossible to photograph many Buddah statues and temples due to the mass/mess of cables running everywhere, usually through the centre of any shot. H
the fact that i have a job that takes up most of my free time that i would much rather have freed up for photography. :D
grey skies are one thing
but wet weather is the worst - at least with grey you can sort of use flash for the day - but rain is just no fun :(
that and wildlife never comes close enough when your out on a walk
Is there a place where we get blue sk9ies all day long, never get rain/snow and have everything we want to photograph in one place? lol
In reply to mrodgers
"On the note of sunsets, mine would be topography. I have terrible sunsets because the sun is far below any treeline at the ideal time for a sunset. Nothing but hills and treelines in the distance in my area."
I too have this problem in many places where I live and:

"My main pet peeve would be places to park. I live out in the country where either the road is a major throughway and there's no where to stop, or it's a back country road where if you stopped, there's a chance of someone coming over the hill or around the bend and not having adequet time to stop."

I also have this problem which is one of the reasons I don't take many barn shots anymore. By The way, I also like taking covered bridges, but again, no place to park.
Where do you guys live where there are so many powerlines? I guess I'm lucky. Almost all of the provinces I've ever been to have converted to underground power starting years ago. Save for a few oldschool areas of the towns, I can't remember the last time I saw a powerline in an urban setting. Out in the countryside, you'll see those behemoth powerline towers that go between cities, but that's about it. Even all of the small hickville towns around here all have underground power.

But anyway, my Pet peeve when shooting is depth of field: I'm always trying to shoot in a much too shallow depth of field. I instinctively want the delicious bokeh and low-light performance, so I'm always opening up the aperture way too much. I only find out it was too much after I get home and realize just how out of focus the front and back guests were in that wedding portrait I just took.

Same with the other day, I was at a bakery, in the back, shooting one of their staff holding one of their cakes for a local magazine. My DoF was so shallow, I had to come back the next day and retake it because it was unusable.


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