What Jobs go with photography?


TPF Noob!
Jul 1, 2016
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I've been wondering what jobs mix well with photography. It seems photography as a single career is really hard. So what could you do??? The only job I thought of was Journalism, writing about the pictures you take. Having a story to tell after your extreme adventure. I hope thats not the only major. English has never been a strong point. I've always been a math and science person... But if I have too ill start sticking my head in English books!!!
Posted some comments about this on another thread. Every new product that comes out needs someone to photograph at some point. Medical and dental field requires specialized photography to document procedures. Business, legal and insurance all have specialist that provide photography services. Forensics require specialized photographers. The list goes on and on.
There is photography in everything so you could really pair it with just about anything.

I do photography at a history library and history museum.
I've been wondering what jobs mix well with photography. It seems photography as a single career is really hard. So what could you do??? The only job I thought of was Journalism, writing about the pictures you take. Having a story to tell after your extreme adventure. I hope thats not the only major. English has never been a strong point. I've always been a math and science person... But if I have too ill start sticking my head in English books!!!

You will have to do at least two English courses in a associates degree. Do not underestimate the value of these. They helped me big time when it came to writing proposals, answering email to corporate jug heads, and helping my kids with their English assignments.
stalker / paparazzo, motor vehicle agency clerk.
Few staff photographer jobs still exist.
So today most of those jobs associated with doing photography no longer exist and the photography user either hires freelance photographers when they need photographs made or they just roam through any number of social media type photograph sharing sites and contact amateur photographers that have made a photo the photo user wants to use but doesn't want to pay any money for.

So plan on being self employed if you want to make a living doing photography.

These days most of those making a living by doing photography do retail photography, commercial photography, or some of both.
Doing both can be a tough because the 2 have different business models and pricing structures.

Business skills - accounting, cash flow management, marketing, promotion, salesmanship - are the primary skills needed if you are self employed.
If you want a photography business then I'd say business and art then you end up doing weddings or maybe there's money in corporate freelancing or advertising.

If you like math and science i'd say maybe something to do with optics I assume thats physics and build or contribute to the shark sub cameras or capturing miniature split second stuff for science experiments. idk. My dentist used a fancy camera but the lady was a dental hygenist/ assistant who took the photo. Coast Guard Helicopter pilots have gyro stabalized ridiculous cameras but i doubt they're hired because of any photography skills.

Some of the people who end up holding the video cameras/ producers have communication degrees but we want the purity of the photo.

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