What kind of camera for these types of shots?


TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
One of my friends posted these photos on her Facebook, and I was wondering - how did she achieve that old, faded look? Is it possible she just used an older camera for this? I would personally ask her myself, but I wouldn't want her to know that I'm interested in jockin' her style. :p




Thanks in advance!
Kodak Instamatic 126 would create nice pics that look a lot like that...so would almost any POS 35mm compact camera loaded with 200 speed color print film and some bad, cheap, drugstore processing. Of course, that's just one way of creating genuine, authentic pics. If your friend is really a friend, the post work needed would be something you ought to be able to get with some gentle cajoling.
1.) why would ANYONE want this look for his photos? Oh yea, facebook ^^
2.) you don't need to have old camera, or even some special one. it's probably some extensive post-processing achievable with virtually any camera
just get the photo apps designed for typical 5th graders. They are free and do just that type stuff for FB. Easy to find on google or app store.
I knew I was going to get a couple bull****/smartass responses. I just like how they look similar to photos from the 80's/early 90's and wanted to know how she achieved that quality.
Macarooney said:
I knew I was going to get a couple bull****/smartass responses. I just like how they look similar to photos from the 80's/early 90's and wanted to know how she achieved that quality.

Look up some tutorials for Photoshop.

It's against forum rules to post pictures that are not your own. You can post the link but not the actual picture. I know I know - another BS answer!
I knew I was going to get a couple bull****/smartass responses. I just like how they look similar to photos from the 80's/early 90's and wanted to know how she achieved that quality.
In all seriousness, I can achieve this look from a basic online editor.

Just fool around with the contrast, WB, and I am almost sure it is as simple as that.
I knew I was going to get a couple bull****/smartass responses. I just like how they look similar to photos from the 80's/early 90's and wanted to know how she achieved that quality.

Does it hurt that the bull****/smartass answers were all correct?
I knew I was going to get a couple bull****/smartass responses. I just like how they look similar to photos from the 80's/early 90's and wanted to know how she achieved that quality.

Does it hurt that the bull****/smartass answers were all correct?
DUH! It hurts me to the core. I hated how everyone saw right through me and knew my intentions to take these types of photos were to show them off on Facebook so my e-popularity points skyrocket.
I knew I was going to get a couple bull****/smartass responses. I just like how they look similar to photos from the 80's/early 90's and wanted to know how she achieved that quality.

Here's a thought, ask her.
I knew I was going to get a couple bull****/smartass responses. I just like how they look similar to photos from the 80's/early 90's and wanted to know how she achieved that quality.

Does it hurt that the bull****/smartass answers were all correct?
DUH! It hurts me to the core. I hated how everyone saw right through me and knew my intentions to take these types of photos were to show them off on Facebook so my e-popularity points skyrocket.

how sneaky

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