Consider the sources of the praise you get as well. Sometimes praise comes from someone who is inexperienced themselves. How does that help you, other than making you feel good and reinforcing possibly bad technique?
If every image you post, you only get "it's out of focus", that should clue you in on something to work on.
Once you no longer get those comments, because you mastered focus, then it might be another glaring issue, which would again tell you what you need to work on. Strive to master that now.
If you keep getting told you subject is not interest, well, work on that!
If you want candy coating, go buy some M&M's.
If you want to know what you need to work on, ask for C&C.
Some people believe in the praise sandwich, some don't.
You are getting free advice. You get what you pay for.
Study on your own. After all you should be driven by your desire.
I have customers who never tell me I did a good job. But I know when I do a good job and when my work is flawed.
There are plenty of other jewelers work I look at and know what I have to strive for, and how far away I am from achieving it.
The same holds true for photography. I know where I stand, and how far I need to go.
You need to develop that whitin yourself as well.
If you seek praise, join Flickr groups and post your work. You'll get all kinds of glittery hearts and stars.
Come back here for a reality check.
And you know what they say! If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Join too. It's nearly in their rules that you can't be negative.