Work colleague wanted me to take his picture.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 29, 2010
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Orem, UT
Can others edit my Photos
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Did you shoot in RAW? If so, I would bump up the exposure- it's considerably underexposed.
go easy on the fill light slider. Looks flat.
reminds me of my favorite line in the movie "Point Break"!

"Okay, too much testosterone around here for me." lol!
reminds me of my favorite line in the movie "Point Break"!

"Okay, too much testosterone around here for me." lol!

Back when I was a CJ major, there were two types of people in my classes... Those who were filled with testosterone, and those who wish they were and pretended like they were. Neither of which is someone you want to be around for long in most cases. I say most because there are some honest men and women in the profession. But in my experiences, most of them lived up to virtually every stereotype you can imagine.
I agree with toning down the fill light... Or in contrast (no pun intended), you can tweak the contrast or blacks so it's less flat.
reminds me of my favorite line in the movie "Point Break"!

"Okay, too much testosterone around here for me." lol!

Back when I was a CJ major, there were two types of people in my classes... Those who were filled with testosterone, and those who wish they were and pretended like they were. Neither of which is someone you want to be around for long in most cases. I say most because there are some honest men and women in the profession. But in my experiences, most of them lived up to virtually every stereotype you can imagine.

I worked emergency services for years.. mostly as a volunteer! Yea.. some scary people out there... even the well intentioned! lol! Used to do ride-alongs with some of my badge wearing buddies... it will open your eyes!
Forgot about the fill light
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Only in America.

Yes. We have guns in America. Big surprise. There are also several countries in the EU that allow citizens to have guns.

OP, it looks like you shot this mid-day with harsh sunlight coming straight down on your subject. Because of that, it looks like you had to use a lot of recovery/fill light on the first photo. Frankly, I'd reshoot in shadier conditions or closer to sundown.
The second one is a little too much, but I prefer it to the one with less contrast. I bet you can find a happy medium.

Just to mess with him I would use liquify to make his muscles huge- :)

Uploaded to photobucket from phone so I'm sure it destroyed the pic, but here's a coworker we played with- he's really short and we always tease him (I.e. checking under couch cushions when we can't find him, etc). His name is "Denny", so we turned mini-me into Denny-me :)

Only in America.

Yes. We have guns in America. Big surprise. There are also several countries in the EU that allow citizens to have guns.

OP, it looks like you shot this mid-day with harsh sunlight coming straight down on your subject. Because of that, it looks like you had to use a lot of recovery/fill light on the first photo. Frankly, I'd reshoot in shadier conditions or closer to sundown.

I wasn't just referencing the gun. The whole image is basically what a lot of people in the UK imagine the US to be. Big truck, Sheriffs, sunglasses, old style wooden lodges, call 911, Fords, dusty roads and, oh yeah, a massive gun. The only things missing are the stars and stripes. It's also the fact he is in quite an empowering posture that, to me, seems quite arrogant. It's called a stereotype.

I know there are plenty of places that have gun laws. I'm in one. I'm saying that if a gun related portrait was taken anywhere else it would be very different, a UK style one would probably be a farmer dressed in tweed, wearing a flat cap, wielding a double-barrel shot gun with cocker spaniel or jack russel by his side. [1] [2] Get my point?
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