Working on my business Card C&C


TPF Noob!
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal Canada
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Can you help me with my design

I dont think you understand bleed size, trim size, and safe zone.
No I don't know the rules of bleed and safe zone

Évènements is french for event, all other words are kinda bilingual.
meaning, your yellow border will probably get cut off. Same thing with your text. I wouldnt use a border if I were you. If you want border, you need to make it a lot thicker. If they dont cut it completely centered, your border might be thicker on one side.
how large should I allow for my writing in hthe bottom?

What did you mean Bitter ?
Well some are bilingual like Glamour, portrait sports studio shootings...

there is only photography that is really english only .. but it's my brand name so...
He is from montreal. Everyone knows what evenements is over there.
This has potential but there are some issues.

1. First, did you create this in Illustrator or Photoshop? Create it in Illustrator and make sure all graphics are vector-based.
2. If you're going to have color going to the edge, you will want a 1/8" bleed on all sides. Thus, your trim line will be 3.5" x 2", but the image will extend 1/8" past on all sides so when cut there will not be any white border, etc.
3. Bottom text is way too close to the cut line. ASafe zone is likely 1/8" inside the cut line. This depends on the parameters of your press.
4. Logo is off center. Looks odd.
5. If you're going to make the "L" a slightly different yellow color, it's best to make it a dramatic difference. Now it looks more like it's an error.

If you have the original in Illustrator, feel free to PM me and I'll play around with the design if you want.
I have a slow day today anyway. :)
Do you have a website or email address? That's usually pretty important to have on a Business Card as well.
A few issues:

  • The main logo is not centered
  • Get rid of the border
  • Get rid of all that writing at the bottom
  • Put your website on it
  • Put your email address on it
I don't know how it is in Canadia...... but here in the US of A switching back and forth between languages is a pain in the ass. If it were my card, I would pick either English or French, but not a combination of the two. Or........ if there is space (and it doesn't look like there will be) both.

Again, I don't know the social norms where you are from, so this switching back and forth might be the standard. To me it looks like a serious, uncorrected typo.

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