WTF? I Got Nothing.

Looks like instagram in a camera. Shoot, auto filter, post.
Not my cup of tea but I bet it'll catch on. Look at instagram. Barley 1% of pics are good but hell if they're not popular.
Sooooo its a point and shoot with NO control options and you pay for every shot?

Yeah this sounds like either a straight up scam or someone had a "you know what lets do this - we lose nothing much if we do it and heck we could make a bundle without people realising".

It's like micro-transaction gaming in physical camera form.

My prediction - it might get some kind of niche market that might push it like crazy to keep it going (money from sales) but otherwise it will be dead within a few months and likely won't last out a few weeks before its forgotten (after probable starting a media storm and earning a nice bucket in ad revenue from legions of enraged photographers viewing links to it)
The problem isn't the product, service, or company. So... I have no problem with this. At first I wanted to throw up a little, looking at this.

The average consumer wants better photos, but won't research or practice. I do hope that "AUTO" mode gets better on cameras, because I don't like pay-to-play models (look at you, Adobe).
Samsung Galaxy NX hardware; $1 per optimized, expertly processed, finished photo. Pay for the photos, not the camera.

Sort of like buying a fine dinner at a restaurant, rather than spending two hours grocery shopping and 45 minutes cooking dinner.

I liked their many bland, flat raw captures, shown as beautified, finalized final form photos.

It looks good for well-heeled people who can afford luxury/status-y services like this; notable is that Palo Alto is their first store location. That figures.

I expect this to be a resounding failure; maybe even a huge failure like TacoTime, or FedEx, or 1928's idiotic idea of, snort!, pre-sliced bread sold in bags! All were doomed ideas from the get-go
Overread said:
... After probable starting a media storm and earning a nice bucket in ad revenue from legions of enraged photographers viewing links to it)

See---it has a heck of a potential upside to it!!!
A dollar per shot? Cheaper to shoot film :laugh2:

If they offered some kind of points system that could be cashed in on for a photo album, extra free shots, or something else, they might do a little better.

The whole idea doesn't seem like it'll work out in its current form, but I see could potential in something very similar.
Maybe Adobe will buy them out and add it as an option in the Creative Cloud packages.
I like the quotes.

"I still haven’t figured out the settings on my DSLR." RTFM.

"The camera I bought convinced me that I’m not a photographer." Photography's a craft; you're not working at it enough.

"I sold my camera, because my photos looked lame without hours of adjusting." See above.

"I have a massive photo dump that I never look through" Don't spray and pray, and learn to edit.
See those quotes are so cheesy that it almost makes it seem like a joke :p
What if you use it to take a bunch of nude selfies?
This product (service?) is in desperate need of a re-launch.

They apparently haven't decided what it is and how to market it.

I'm sure some Valley Girls will buy it simply for the covering, and then won't actually use it to snap photos, because, well, that's what their phones are for, isn't it?
Makes zero sense to me, but I suspect it's not marketed towards me.

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