Gross misuse of telephoto lenses in rap videos

Hooligan Dan

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Mar 10, 2008
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Bay Area, CA
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Now, I try not to watch Mtv. It's a plague in modern culture. But from time to time I can't help but stop on the station on the rare occasion they are showing a music video because I like to hear the garbage teens are listening to these days.

Recently I've noticed a trend in rap videos; at some point there is always a "photographer" taking a photo of the rapper with fans or girls. But they are always using a large telephoto lens, 70-200 or larger, to take a picture from an arms length away. I know they are just using a long lens because it's more "impressive" and we all know how materialistic rappers are, but holy Moses does that bug me.

A pet peeve of sorts, I guess.
I don't have cable but this suprises me none at all, it's the "Image" thing, And the idea of being swarmed with professional and/or poporatzi photographers is almost as aluring as being swarmed by women. The more "impressive" the lens the more professional looking the photoguy is whether he/she is actually a photographer or not.
I just thought I'd call you on it...

I'm a teen and I abhor MTV - probably more than you do.

Not all teens are idiots.
I wonder if they use extension tube for that added length and bling? ;)

why not try a 600mm is size is what they want (or this sigma bazooka?)
and I hardly know what MTV is - only know of it by rumour and word of mouth (cloest I have watched is GMTV and some how I don't think the two are relaited ;))
Hooligan Dan, I agree with you to an extent but you have made some pretty stupid assumptions in your post. One, most teens don't listen to the music (when there is music on) on MTV. And on top of that, it isn't just teenagers that listen to that sort of music. And two, there are a lot of rappers that are never on MTV and there are a lot of rappers that aren't 'materialistic.' Not every rapper is a gold chain, fast car, hot women type of person.
Now, I try not to watch Mtv. It's a plague in modern culture. But from time to time I can't help but stop on the station on the rare occasion they are showing a music video because I like to hear the garbage teens are listening to these days.

Recently I've noticed a trend in rap videos; at some point there is always a "photographer" taking a photo of the rapper with fans or girls. But they are always using a large telephoto lens, 70-200 or larger, to take a picture from an arms length away. I know they are just using a long lens because it's more "impressive" and we all know how materialistic rappers are, but holy Moses does that bug me.

A pet peeve of sorts, I guess.

I hate to pour salt on the wound but did you know there is a market for red carpet Photogs at some proms?

Rent your own limo and bring your own red carpet for props. A box of cards with your website and sell 5X7s all night long at $25 a pop.

Plus you get to ride the limo home. :)
MTV plays music videos?
they also use pit bulls as status symbols...
ignorant all around.
(sorry, had to add my pit bull bit).
What bothers me more is their use of the english language or, lack of use. Anything associated with the entertainment industry and accuracy doesnt surprise me. Especially Hollyweird.
MTV was pretty cool when it kicked off. I saw it about ten years ago and just shook my head in sadness. That's the blades edge of not having satelite or cable..... miss some decent viewing, but yet, get to miss out on all the crap that's put out there too. If it wasn't for MLB towards the end of the season and college hoops from November till March, I don't care much for TV.

Okay, I admit it....... I do watch the local weather and all the cool graphics they use now. But geez, every freakin' 10 minutes in the morning........ talk about information overload, or do I just have a short attention span?

If it wasn't for MLB towards the end of the season and college hoops from November till March, I don't care much for TV. But I do watch the local weather and all the cool graphics they use now.

MTV was pretty cool when it kicked off. I saw it about ten years ago and just shook my head in sadness.

Same here.

And yeah... they're probably using "The Photographer" as a fashion and/or in an attempt to communicate that the subject of the photography is meaningful and pertinent etc.

Visual communication.
or they want the 2.8 aperture at all focal lengths at 70mm... just a thought. Same reason portrait photographers use a 70-200 or an 80-200 F/2.8 as well.

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