Has anyone ever heard of this site?


TPF Noob!
Jan 28, 2009
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Harrison, OHio
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soniccameras.com they look legit but theyre prices are crazy low like they have a 50d body for under 600$? Can someone tell me if they have had expierence with them or how to tell if a sites legit?
they are complete scam artists and i may be 15 but im not stupid i can do research and now its my goal to put these a holes out of buisness!
Thing with camera stores online, If it looks to good to be true, then it is.
wow.....reading those reviews was kinda funny though.
...prices are crazy low...

...how to tell if a sites legit?

You answered your own question. If the prices are lower than B & H or Adorama it's a scam unless the company is a household brand name like Best Buy, Dell, etc...
...now its my goal to put these a holes out of buisness!

Don't waste your time. Snake oil salesmen have been around forever. They survive on the business plan "There's a sucker born every minute." Just don't be a sucker.
I don't remember where I saw it. But someone went around a photographed a bunch of these 'stores'....most of them are in NYC or area. They are basically a hole in the wall type storefront and they operate under several different on-line store names.

As Matt said, if the prices are lower than B&H or Adorama, something is fishy.
(To be read in your best W. C. Fields voice)

Don't listen to them other posters boy, their just angry that you found a better deal then they did. The cream always rises to the top of the bucket if you know what I mean. Who would ever say something about a product if it wasn't true. Why not only will you get the camera body for the price we have listed, but for a measly $75.00 we will throw in a brand new, genuine Cannon body cap. You say you want an view finder cushion, not a problem, only $45.00 extra. Of course it doen't run well without a battery, Those little buggers are hard to come by you know. But I can let you have one for not $300.00, Not $200.00 but the one time rock bottom low price of $189.95. For $100.00 more I will throw in absolutely free a 1gig SD card.

Now I know that you will be wanting to be able to charge that battery so for an extra $150.00 I will give you a genuine, real live battery charger. Works on all batteries anywhere in the world. For $175.00 I'll give you the one that Canon made for the battery. Course you don't want to be dropping that camera, so for the paltery sum of $40.00 I will sell you a genuine imitation Nagauha hide strap make out of nylon with the words Canon embrorderd on it at no extra charge.

Of couse now that you are all set up to take them pictures, you are gonna be the next Amsel Adams my boy, I can feel it in my bones, you are gonna need a way to get them pictures off the camera. You could pay upwards of $200 for a USB cord to attach to your camera, but I'm gonna let you have one for the measley price of $29.95.

Now I know you will want to get the very best lens available so for today and today only we have on sale the Phalanx 10-600mm f0.001 professional quality, tilt shift, macro, soft focus, auto focus, R qualty cream colored lens. Just like you see on the sidelines of them football games and such. Only lens you will ever need for any type of picture taking. Just $150.00.

Well there you have it boy, within no time you will be takin pictures and selling them for the big money, yes-sir-re, big, big money. Now all you have to do is call me with your name, date of birth, social security number, and the number from three different credit cards in your name and your checking and savings account number and we will be all set to ship this all out to you. Due to a small back order problem on this highly desireable product it will not ship until June 31st.

Ok. Seriously. That is pretty much how those sites go. They are a bait and switch operation. They do not sell you what they advertise. If they do they take the package apart and sell it to you piece by piece. They substitue other items where ever they can and there is no way you are getting a USA warranty. If you want to buy online check out B&H, Adarama, or Beach camera. They are trusted online venders. My preference is B&H. They are good to their word.

p.s. yes some of the spelling mistakes were intentional. Some were not, That I will admitt.

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