"If You Don't Like It, Don't Look!"

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just to add...you can probably see more boob on the magazine covers at the check out line than you can by looking at a woman who is breastfeeding.
I am getting the idea that the gents think there needs to be some sort of modesty or inhibition when breastfeeding. I wonder why.
I am getting the idea that the gents think there needs to be some sort of modesty or inhibition when breastfeeding. I wonder why.
yes but no modesty allowed if I choose to take a boudoir self portrait. They would be calling for more boob as long as there is no baby in sight. Men are so sexist and selfish. BABIES people. Its all about the babies.
they do all the time, paige! some men on this forum NEVER miss a chance to beg for nudity. but they're offended when a nipple is visible for 8 seconds while a woman gets a latch right so she doesn't get blisters?

slackercruster said:
OP, you make valid arguments. But, in society there must be some flexibility.

Who is going to make the laws? If we get too restrictive then we get a Hitler like society.

In general, if it is legal, then a person can do as they please. Sometimes this is tempered with some sort of decency that the person uses to control their actions. Other times, it is not. Just got to suck it up and move on if we don't like something when what bothers us is legal for others to do.

The bottom line is humans are selfish. This is the fly in the ointment with communism. If one is 'selfless' such as ants or bees communism works great. It is only when human selfishness is injected that communism fails miserably.

Read 'Animal Farm' by Orwell...sums it up.

Freaking pigs, 1984 was better :)
manaheim said:
Well, and there you have it.

I mean ... you pretty claearly stated that you can't be bothered to cover up or move off to a more discreet location. The people around you will just have to deal with it. You're calling others selfish in your remarks, and yet your own remarks seem pretty selfish if you ask me.

Meanwhile, you villainize anyone else who would dare suggest you do otherwise.

Bitter, I think you have your answer.

In my state, at least, breastfeeding mothers are a protected class (anti-discrimination laws). You cannot suggest that they cover up.

GeorgieGirl said:
I am getting the idea that the gents think there needs to be some sort of modesty or inhibition when breastfeeding. I wonder why.

Not me, its not a problem in the UK
gsgary said:
Not me, its not a problem in the UK

Meh I have no problem seeing women breastfeeding, my wife did it when our daughter was younger, and will do it again for our next child (do in June BTW :).

I actually agree with your side of this debate, however some of the last few posts are crossing the line and do nothing to further your arguments. Comments like "Men are sexist and selfish", and the jealousy and stupidity comments are attacks and plain simple Male bashing. Your rights should not be ignored, but nor should everyone elses.
I suppose I could dig through my diaper bag and try to find my cover (if I remembered to bring it). Put it on and get baby latched while standing in the checkout line trying to pay without slowing down other people behind me. WHILE trying to keep my 2 year old from grabbing candy off the shelfs (even though she is in the shopping basket strapped in). While holding said (hungry) baby....sure, I'll get right on that for you.

or...I could grab screaming baby, stick him on the boob and be out of the store in 3 minutes leaving the easily offended shoppers to finish without the background noise of my kids hungry/frustrated/mad cries

and serioulsy, how selfish are we as a human race that we would rather a baby scream out with hunger pains than to 'allow' a woman to breastfeed her baby in line at the checkout? Screw the baby, I don't want to see that? Serioulsy? WE are the adults.

Wow, seriously!!! I am so sad to hear you guys talk like this :( I mean come on, this forum is the one that got all excited about the new nutity section, no?? I breastfed my daughter for 15 months and am currently breastfeeding my 9 month son. I am sure that most of Austin has seen my boobs. Yes, I feed my kid when he is hungry. I take my boob out of my shirt where ever I am and feed him. I do not use a cover, its already 95 degrees here. Plus, using a cover is a PITA. Being offended by that is offensive. Boobs are made to feed babies. The human race wouldn't be in existance without breasts. Sheesh people. Get over it! I feel offended when I see a sweet newborn baby sitting in a bouncer seat with a bottle shoved in her mouth. Babies deserve the loving connection of breastfeeding, not to mention the health benifits. Babies crave the boob, they are born to find the boob! Within minutes of birth if placed on the mothers tummy they will wiggle themselves up to the boob all on their own. So yes, I get saddened (not 'offended') by seeing babies be bottlefed, but I would never say anything to a bottle feeding mother. Feeding our children is our business. Whether its via bottle, boob, or mcdonalds. Breastfeeding should be celebrated, photographed, and normalized.

Well, and there you have it.

I mean ... you pretty claearly stated that you can't be bothered to cover up or move off to a more discreet location. The people around you will just have to deal with it. You're calling others selfish in your remarks, and yet your own remarks seem pretty selfish if you ask me.

Meanwhile, you villainize anyone else who would dare suggest you do otherwise.

Bitter, I think you have your answer.

+ 1,000,000

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, until now. You've made yourself loud and clear.
no, I think if we are going to discuss the breast feeding issue here we need to remember it was a PHOTO of a woman breastfeeding that caused a WOMAN to critique with such ferver. No man was complaining. A woman complained that a man took a photo. Let's get real and back to basics.

I actually agree with your side of this debate, however some of the last few posts are crossing the line and do nothing to further your arguments. Comments like "Men are sexist and selfish", and the jealousy and stupidity comments are attacks and plain simple Male bashing. Your rights should not be ignored, but nor should everyone elses.

We as breastfeeding women are being singled out by 'some' men on this forum. We are being called selfish, and our actions vulgar. We have every right to be be pissed, and any man with a wife (mother) should be just as offended as we are. We selflessly give our bodies to our children so they can grow strong (emotionally and physically) and this is the treatment we get.
paigew said:
We as breastfeeding women are being singled out by 'some' men on this forum. We are being called selfish, and our actions vulgar. We have every right to be be pissed, and any man with a wife (mother) should be just as offended as we are. We selflessly give our bodies to our children so they can grow strong (emotionally and physically) and this is the treatment we get.

Tell you what lil lady, you and all the breastfeeding mothers out there can come over with my wife while I BBQ. Just to let you know Notebook is banned from the household :)
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