My Cat Thinks He's a Photographer


TPF Noob!
May 25, 2007
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Madoc, Ontario Canada
Can others edit my Photos
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walked in the house the other day to this... found it quite funny

hmm using the live view is he - your going to have to teach him proper photography skills methinks ;)

crazy cat didnt realize the picture in live view was him... he still thinks SLR's are like P&S' eventually he'll figure out it was his reflection.
^^ nice... my cat is fascinated with my macbook... i think its the heat... but if its sitting on the table or on the floor, he cuddles up next to the screen, and reaches around batting at my hands while I type... its quite funny to watch
lol those are hilarious. Cats always manage to look so focused and serious on whatever it is they are doing or pretending to be be doing. I like how in the first he has his paw on the strap!
this is my guard cat..


edit: Just realized this is an old photo, I dont even own half that stuff anymore
All of these are really the cat's meow.

bud... dude... every camera and lens on there SANS CAP and with a CAT?!?!! AAAAAAA!!!!!
oh that was just PUURRRR fect... and I agree.. cameras on the floor, with no lens, and cat who sheds... are you crazy...

no more crazy than owning a husky - I am still finding fur in clothing and I have been away from home for 4 weeks!
ha! That was my first thought also... where are the caps???

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