people and bum


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2005
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chelsea, quebec
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i normally don't take people pictures, but these people drew my attention. for obvious reasons i think. please cc. thanks

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don't forget that bum is a person too. I feel sorry for him and it makes me wounder how many people walk past him and don't do anything.
don't forget that bum is a person too. I feel sorry for him and it makes me wounder how many people walk past him and don't do anything.
my thoughts exactly tm. not too mention that they easily pay 5 bucks for a coffee, everyday. having said that; he does seem well fed and clean, do you think he might be sleeping one off? and therefore not allowed in a shelter?
While most shelters wont let someone who is drunk in, there are also many many shelters that are under funded and cannot remain open 7 days a week or have limited space and not everyone gets a bed.

Some shelters even require a small amount of money from the homeless person (I prefer that term over bum) to let them sleep, so if the place is packed, they will sometimes sort who gets in and who doesn't based on who paid.

They do the best they can with what they have, and will always try their best not to turn people away, but its not always the homeless person's fault for being on the street.

That being said, I do like your image. Makes a nice statement of today's unfortunate society.

I think I would of preferred a black and white version and maybe crop it down a bit to remove some dead space on the upper left hand side

i agree, 'homeless person' is better. i meant no offense.
at the time i felt very self conscious taking the photo and didn't think much about composition.
i was going to clone out the word 'trust' in the upper left. but i think it's fits the image.
i also increased contrast and sharpness and added a little red (although it doesn't show in this upload).
I dunno, he looks pretty comfy and well fed... kicked his shoes off and everything.

Nice capture.
I dunno, he looks pretty comfy and well fed... kicked his shoes off and everything.

Nice capture.

Appearances can be deceiving. I've seen a lot of dumpster diving, it's very sad and I try to help out whenever I can

Bigtwinky is right. Your bw is cool. You could be a bit more creative and use a 3d font with trust hovering over the coffee shop.
Nice job on the BW, me likey.

And no, do not clone out TRUST. Its a small detail, but adds to the image IMO.

Definatly having more time to shoot at a different angle might of been interesting. Such as getting lower down at his level (more so that you did) and get a more down-up look to the image. Not the easiest thing to do.
don't forget that bum is a person too. I feel sorry for him and it makes me wounder how many people walk past him and don't do anything.

That's why I offer them a few dollars to take a few pictures. :D I doubt I would wake a sleeping man with the same offer (I'm cheap).

Op, nice picture, I like the B&W version better, for me it shows how life is sort of B&W.
I dunno, he looks pretty comfy and well fed... kicked his shoes off and everything.

Nice capture.

Appearances can be deceiving. I've seen a lot of dumpster diving, it's very sad and I try to help out whenever I can

Perhaps, however I've yet to see a homeless person risk losing their shoes.
You sure this guy is homeless?? maybe he is just a regular guy sleeping one off.

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