2 new ones for C&C


TPF Noob!
May 7, 2011
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2 shots taken last fall that I finally got around to processing. Let me know if you enjoy them or find them boring... any major flaws? I spent about two hours on each one mostly playing around and trying to figure out photoshop. They are blended using exposures from -2 to 2. Photomatix was not used on the sunset but I did blend a little of the photomatix product into the fall scene.


Grant's pass rz by Chodie89, on Flickr


California wet by Chodie89, on Flickr
I feel like the light, color and organization of #1 would be better without including the bridge. I'm imagining a crop right down the middle and I like it. I really like what is happening on the left hand side of the image, but the right hand side just confuses me and is weak in comparison.

#2 is a strong image to me for the most part, except that I'm kind of getting lost in the lack of detail on the left corner. I strongly believe the image would be much improved if you could have possible moved to the right to include more sky reflection and perhaps it would help to separate the large rock formation from that foreground.

I like the processing except I'm seeing a fringe around the main rock formation....
Both are nice. On 1 i wish the staircase to the left wasnt there. Its a bit distracting.
I like both of them
1 looks nice, but a bit "off" due to the complete lack of shadows.

2 is SUPER nice. I wouldn't change it.
Love the first one. The second I feel would look better if more detail on the distance rocks were shown.
#1: What is the subject? The tree, or the bridge? It looks like you wanted to take a shot of the tree, but recomposed to include the bridge and ended up cutting out a lot of the tree.

I like #2, except the left side seems 'heavy' and OOF.
Does anyone else think the tree looks odd in #1? I love how bright and colorful the left side of the tree is but the right side seems "deader". It's not as bright, vibrant and colorful. Is this just me?

That's my one quip I really do like both images.

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