2nd take of Chocolate Liqueor and Rose.

Tight Knot

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Nov 30, 2010
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Boca Raton, FL
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Any comments all? There's something wrong, but I can't seem to see what it is (other than being slightly blurred that is.
Any comments all? There's something wrong, but I can't seem to see what it is (other than being slightly blurred that is.

It is OOF (out of focus), the reflection in the bottle is super distracting (camera flash among other things), the make shift background is distracting and looks like you spent about one minute putting it "together", harsh shadowing all around, poor perspective choice (the background line cuts right though your main subject).

Keep learning and growing, all of these negatives are very easily fixed with a little setup time and a reshoot.

Aside from Pink's comments, which I feel are spot-on, I will add that I don't think your composition works at all. It rather gives the impression that a child was trying to stack things as high as he could get them. Trying positioning the rose such that it's emerging from behind the bottle around the "shoulder" of the bottle, and spreading the Baby's Breath out so that it makes a single, relatively flat arrangement behind the bottle and rose. As well, don't forget to adjust your set-up so that the lens is square to the subject. The angled perspective is rather jarring.
I would probably lose the background, and shoot it with a nice shallow DOF with some Christmas lights in he background or something for some nice bokeh.
Thanks everyone, they all sound like good ideas, and I will try them out. I was trying out a portable lighting studio, to see how well it worked, and I see that like any piece of equipment, no matter how good or expensive, it won't help bad photography:lol:
maybe put the rose at the base of the bottle...it looks like the bottle is a vase. Like a 19 yr old guys attempt to seduce a girl, just a weird place to position the rose kwim?
I would say, aside from what's already been mentioned, try a black or other dark background. I think I would help add to the frame. Plus you wouldn't lose the definition of the little white flowers. I also think it would be worth trying to lay the rose next to the bottle, so the top of the bloom is facing the camera at the base of the bottle, at a slight angle, and then lay the white ones on behind the bottle coming out both sides.

Anyway, that's my two cents!

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