3 images for CC


TPF Noob!
Dec 25, 2009
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Hey guys, Been a while since I posted a few on here. Ever since I took back my d5000 and have been working on learning my new d90. So here are a few, I'm trying to get better at composition so here are a few of my tries.





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I like #1. I would straighten the horizon on #3. The houses in the background ruin #2 for me, but I am a weirdo. :lol: I would also maybe crop off some of the bottom of the photo in #2. :thumbup:
#1 - I like the idea, but to me, cropping the bottom half is like cutting off feet...you know what I mean?

#2 - I like the composition. Maybe just a tad brighter?

#3 - For me, the weeds kill the shot. They're in the way.
Nice composition, however they do seem to lack the punch of some color saturation...

Thanks everyone, again I was really just working on my composition skills. Which if I may say myself have much improved. lol Also HikinMike I know that more slanted lines supposedly display "peace" so that is what I was going for. I will try my hand at landscape and try to get some just good landscape shots. Thanks everyone.

AliasPros, where I live right now it is completely dreary, so getting punchy colors in the "wild" is hard. I will try some PP though.

At OP: yes a lot better. :thumbup:
At KmH: That's a bit too processed for me.[/QUOTE]After another look I have to agree. :blushing:
Great Shots. What iso did you shoot with? Lower iso sometimes help enhance the color in low light if you are trying to do so in the future.
I felt the first two we're better overall, both in terms of composition, exposure, focus and general interestingness! infact the second one would look better with a bit of the bottom cut off?
I think #2 has the greatest potential. It's a bit underexposed and the background is distracting...a shallower DOF would really make this one stand out I think.
To everyone wondering why I took the d5000 back. I took it back because the d90 has a built in VR motor allowing me to use diffrent lenses. Also it has a second command wheel and a higher res screen. The 2nd command wheel has proven very useful in changing the settings. I used a low iso to bring out the color in the "wwed" and ocean shot.
To everyone wondering why I took the d5000 back. I took it back because the d90 has a built in VR motor allowing me to use diffrent lenses. Also it has a second command wheel and a higher res screen. The 2nd command wheel has proven very useful in changing the settings. I used a low iso to bring out the color in the "wwed" and ocean shot.

It has a built in Auto Focus motor. The lenses have VR. Sony cameras have it in the body but nikon and canon but it in the lens. VR/IS. Not sure if you knew or it was just a mistake.

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