35mm Film Prints???


TPF Noob!
Nov 2, 2012
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I need help finding a great professional business to send my rolls of film to, to get them developed. I am using Ilford Pan F Plus ISO 50 and Ilford Delta 100-400 35mm films. Please help!!!
Dont you know any hipsters?

oh wait youre in Mississippi, so maybe not.
I've sent film out to The Darkroom (San Clemente) - they have a variety of options for film development, scans, and prints. Blue Moon in Oregon and Dwayne's in Kansas also have good reputations.

I saw something not long ago about Ilford now having a US lab, I may try them for B&W processing.
I've sent film out to The Darkroom (San Clemente) - they have a variety of options for film development, scans, and prints. Blue Moon in Oregon and Dwayne's in Kansas also have good reputations.

I saw something not long ago about Ilford now having a US lab, I may try them for B&W processing.

I heard that the Ilford lab actually shares space with The Darkroom.

B&W film is easy to develop why not learn to develop it yourself and save some money.
I noticed they were in the same town and the thought had crossed my mind...

As I've mentioned in other threads I'd been using a shared darkroom at a local university and the building's being renovated; I usually got film developed so I could look thru my negatives on my lightbox at home then go up and use an enlarger and do prints (and work within time constraints - my job, when the darkroom was available, etc.) So I learned how but haven't developed film in a long time. I'll probably get something set up at home one of these days.
I agree it's not worth it to send out black and white 35mm film. Maybe if you had a lab in town and didn't want to bother, okay, but mailing it, bleh. It's REALLY cheap and easy to develop yourself with <$50 of equipment startup cost and maybe 10-20 cents a roll ongoing.

Alternatively, almost every brand sells special black and white film that is developed using the c41 process (like Ilford's XP-2), which you can get developed at any random pharmacy or whatever near you that still develops 35mm color film. They can't do normal black and white film, but they can do the c41 process black and white special film.

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