A couple recent insect shots


TPF Noob!
Jul 14, 2012
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Northeast GA
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At break time from work I'll head out to see what is interesting. Took these two this last week.

First impressions - not to bad. The first one - I would crop off the flowers on the left hand side as they are a bit distracting and really, I don't believe that they add anything to the overall image - you can then concentrate on putting your main subject in the image without distractions. For the second one, again, I would try and get a lot closer - it took me a few seconds to find the subject - the bee - but it is a nice use of diagonal lines.

yea do a crop on #1. It's otherwise very pretty!
Nice subjects, but both shots look a little soft to me. They don't have the razor sharpness I expect from macro..
I took my wife's advice on the first one. She liked the flowers on the left I liked it without them. with the bee I did like the lines of that one better, but yeah, he is too small.

Those will probably be the last insect shots of the year. It is cooling off and raining like crazy.

Thanks for the comments!

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