A fun time printing! (mage heavy!!!)


Chief Free Electron Relocator
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Mar 8, 2011
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A couple weeks ago, Staples had a special for 16x20s at five bucks.

I took a thumb drive in of 20 images, and they said there was a limit of 2. So I looked at the ad, and their web site, and there was no limit posted. Nor had they printed a correction. So I told 'em I want all 20 printed. They relented, but screwed two up and missed a third. The other day, I finally got the last 3 finished.

It's not too often I print so many large photos of my own, for me, at once.


The twenty I printed are:




















so many great photos! Hard to pic a fave but I love the sky, maple leaves, and bubbles. Now the real question...where to hang them!
so many great photos! Hard to pic a fave but I love the sky, maple leaves, and bubbles. Now the real question...where to hang them!

I had to cull my original choices down from 53!

I plan on getting a couple of 20x24 frames with mattes and rotating the images through them.
Cobwebs on the gate and rain on the window are my faves.
Some real nice photos there.

That's some beautiful work. I have a hard time choosing a favorite but I really the fireworks, cats and sand. And I'm not really a cat guy but that would be my favorite of those.
Sparky, how did the "For All Who Served" come out? I started to pick that one.

I gotta say, for five bucks, they're not top-of-the-line prints. I didn't expect them to be. But that one came our very nice.

just kidding - those are really good images. Quite a variation in style and technique, but they display your talent of distilling the image to its essence. Thank you for sharing - that was a nice little visual feast to go with my breakfast this morning.
So neat! I LOVE spiral in the sand! Definitely my top favorite.
So neat! I LOVE spiral in the sand! Definitely my top favorite.

That one has an interesting back-story. I was shooting the local farmers market. A boutique clothing store had a beach scene in their display window. Mannequins with swimwear, beach ball, blanket, huge umbrella, the whole 9 yards. Apparently, whoever set the display up draw a spiral in the (very real) sand as they set it all up. Out of the whole scene, that managed to catch my eye. I had the good fortune to not only have my favorite 28-200 'street' zoom, but the sunlight was just perfect as well.
That one has an interesting back-story. I was shooting the local farmers market. A boutique clothing store had a beach scene in their display window. Mannequins with swimwear, beach ball, blanket, huge umbrella, the whole 9 yards. Apparently, whoever set the display up draw a spiral in the (very real) sand as they set it all up. Out of the whole scene, that managed to catch my eye. I had the good fortune to not only have my favorite 28-200 'street' zoom, but the sunlight was just perfect as well.
I think I like it so much because had you not just told me that, it could be anything I want. A desktop rock garden, a beach, a huge empty desert. There are endless possibilities! And so serene. Something you could use as a focal point during meditation. LOVE it. I bet blown up its spectacular.
Sparky you have some talent. Nice series of photos.
Nice collection. I like the clouds, the cats and the twisted tree the best. I am curious how you found out about the Staples special. We have them in our area and I did not hear of this special. Maybe we didn't get it in our part of the world, because I would have jumped all over it like you did. :mrgreen:


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