A pair of Wood Ducks...and young.


TPF Noob!
Jun 5, 2013
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These guys were tough to get close to and the female was shot thru some limbs...my first post on here...Hi guys!


  • $Wood-Duck.jpg
    107.1 KB · Views: 152
  • $Male Woodduck.jpg
    $Male Woodduck.jpg
    740.5 KB · Views: 162
Oh my, a BABY wood duck, how cute is THAT?!? :lol:
Shame about the branches making that one look so soft, but the second one, of the male, is really nice.

Where were these taken? And whereabouts in TN are you? There are several of us from TN here, and Scott (SCraig) and I are both avid bird photographers. Scott has amazing talent, and has been photographing birds longer than I have though!
Oh my, a BABY wood duck, how cute is THAT?!? :lol:
Shame about the branches making that one look so soft, but the second one, of the male, is really nice.

Where were these taken? And whereabouts in TN are you? There are several of us from TN here, and Scott (SCraig) and I are both avid bird photographers. Scott has amazing talent, and has been photographing birds longer than I have though!

And Sharon consistently underrates her abilities to ;)

Wood Ducks are tough sometimes. They are very shy and don't like people getting very close to them. They are also the only ducks I've run across that will roost in trees.

The second is a good shot. Maybe a little tighter crop so he doesn't blend with the background so much. The first would have been good without the bushes in the way, but I know how that is. I've had to shoot through them many times myself.

Welcome to TPF. Enjoy your stay.
Thank you Sharon and Scott for your comments. I think you both underrate your abilities...very nice photos on both sites. These very beautiful ducks were in a small creek and had I not been in hiding waiting on a Kingfisher I would have missed these as they were swimming by when I was spotted. Thanks for the advice Scott I will crop closer if I have to on the next ones. Also I live kinda in between you both...middle Tn. I feel kinda trapped....lol.
Very nice captures, like the colors in the wood ducks.
These are great. I really like the second.
Thanks Ron, DNK and Ryan for your nice comments..
Yes it is..still trying to figure out how to make it larger on here....also can't find the image size restrictions, can you help me?

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