Album cover shot // Scantily clad fish woman holding a donut


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Aug 13, 2009
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Memphis, TN
Can others edit my Photos
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Just finished editing the cover photo for a friend of mine's upcoming CD. I'm all for a critique. I can also upload the unshaped/unsmoothed photo if anyone is interested.

This will be the crop for the cover as I understand it.
Hey, I just took the photo. Don't look to me for answers.
Should've put a winky face or something after that. Tone is hard to convey on these internets. No hostility intended. Thanks for commenting. ; )
Dem hips.

It's an interesting photo, that's for sure. Is there a song on the album that at least alludes to "Swamp monsters like donuts"? lol
Dem hips.

It's an interesting photo, that's for sure. Is there a song on the album that at least alludes to "Swamp monsters like donuts"? lol

Not that I've heard. I think the most explanation I've heard is "we like donuts."
Please DON'T post the "unshaped/unsmoothed" version, no I can live peacefully without. :D

Album cover..hmm, I guess I can imagine that.
Man... Those are some baby makin' hips!

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Technically the image seems fine, but I sure don't see/get the vision. I'm guessing the music on this CD isn't likely to find it's way onto my iPod though! :lol:

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