An Experiment


TPF Noob!
May 18, 2012
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit

Can you tell what effect I am foolin about with here?
Noooo! It is selective saturation, and evidently I am using a sufficiently subtle hand on it ;)

I was inspired by another thread on selective coloring. I actually use selective saturation on almost all the color photographs I make, which ain't very many.
Placing bright highlights immediately next to dark areas, to create tension?

Specular highlights, absent diffuse highlights?
Placing bright highlights immediately next to dark areas, to create tension?

Specular highlights, absent diffuse highlights?

Well, that too ;) There are various traditional elements of composition blah blah blah. Light spreads diagonally, line this, grouping that, light and dark, Rembrandt etc. Most of THAT, of course, is "put in" to the photograph by selecting the frame that sucks least from the wide collection of variants I shot.
TRANSLATION: I took a bunch of pictures and posted the best one

TRANSLATION: I took a bunch of pictures and posted the best one


Isn't that what we all do...SPRAY and PRAY to the Photog Gods for a decent image.

PS - For those that don't have a sarcastic bone in your body...this is sarcasm.
TRANSLATION: I took a bunch of pictures and posted the best one


Yeah, I'm trying out a new thing. I used to take a bunch of pictures and post the worst one.
Just funnin with ya. Hell, I still take lots of photos of the same thing and they're ALL the worst one....(that's why I don't post many of my photos...still working on it).

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