Any Advice


TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2011
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
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I just received a T3 today and even though I was under the belief that I knew enough to use it from the box (I studied a lot while using my P&S) I'm slowly realizing I have a lot to learn. So let me ask What would you suggest someone who came from a basic P&S should learn first about their DSLR?
Youtube is also a great source. Look up your camera name, along with "how to," and phrases like that.
Read the manual. When you're done that, Read the manual.

+1. I couldn't agree more. There is also a "tutorial" thread in this sub forum. Another key item is understanding the exposure triangle and how each setting affects each other.
If you're interested in any books, there is a series called like "From snapshots to great shots" that are written for different camera models. They explain ALOT, and they're a real great addition to reading the manual.

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Read the manual. When you're done that, Read the manual.
lol ok then :)

I know it sounds silly but this is always the first thing you do. When the manual looks kinda worn and beat to hell from you reading it too much you are ready to move on to some basic fundamentals.
Read the manual. When you're done that, Read the manual.
Sound advice for knowing what features and functions your T3 has available for you, though you have to understand what you read if you hope to use your T3 to it's full potential.

In addition to understanding the exposure triad of shutter speed, lens aperture, and ISO, you also need to understand the camera's light metering modes, white balance, focus modes, and how to control the depth-of-field that affects the distance from the camera of what will or won't be in focus in each shot.

As mentioned in other's posts you'll have to go beyond the user's manual to gain a full understanding of how to use your T3. The manual tells what the T3 has for you to use, but not how to use the T3 to do photography.

One of the most recommended inexpensive books to help get you started is Understanding Exposure, 3rd Edition: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera
Read the Manual

I read that this morning and I thought Duh!! I feel like an idiot this is that type of time I'd be wondering if someone asked me this question. Well on the way to school I pull out the manual it's about a 1/2 inch thick so I'm like "Oh this should have plenty to tell me what is all in this camera"

I begin reading it and basically it goes like this
1) Intro & Copyrights
2)What's included, handling, and parts of the camera
3) Attaching the lens
4) Then it basically tells you to either use Full Auto or one of it's scene modes
5) Image review

It told me nothing of the Bracketing features that I had look elsewhere to discover that it had, never mentioned Av Tv and M modes. Had I of not been doing lots of reading before I received it I would be totally clueless. So for now I'm gonna check out the sites you guys suggested. Thanks!!

Also only 83 pages are in English the rest is in Freaking Spanish and French. So where I thought it was a big Manuel, it was actually not much bigger then the one they included with my P&S
This advice goes with any camera or photography rookie, regardless of brand or model.

Study the fundamentals of photography (White balance, exposure triangle, composition) at your site of choice (there are quite a few sites listed here).

Until you consistently great properly exposed images, shoot in Manual. Once you fully understand Manual mode, it'll be much easier to manipulate the other modes to do your bidding.

There's so so so much more to photography than manuals and tutorials. You need to practice your butt off. Practice, practice, practice.
Read the Manual

It told me nothing of the Bracketing features that I had look elsewhere to discover that it had, never mentioned Av Tv and M modes. Had I of not been doing lots of reading before I received it I would be totally clueless. So for now I'm gonna check out the sites you guys suggested. Thanks!!

Also only 83 pages are in English the rest is in Freaking Spanish and French. So where I thought it was a big Manuel, it was actually not much bigger then the one they included with my P&S
Sounds like what you read wasn't the user's manual, or what Canon calls the Instruction Manual.

The online manual (in English) is 286 pages. - You can look at it here -

Info on Av, Tv, M, bracketing and other topics are in Section 4 - Advanced Shooting - that starts on page 91.

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