Any Ideas?


TPF Noob!
Jan 15, 2008
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i've got a four year old
and countless princess dresses,
along with great lighting from windows
and black and white film.

hah, any creative ideas pop into mind? :]
Her leaning against the wall and looking outside the window. A shot of the side of her face. Or spray water on the window and shoot her looking out the window from outside.
Her standing next to a dumpster or dump or something contrasting to the subject. Or perhaps something totally out of the ordinary, like holding a bag of chips or sitting on a television or something.

But then again, that's my weird style. D:
Thanks guys. I have to stick to inside ideas, since its pouring snow outside. hah.
Thanks guys. I have to stick to inside ideas, since its pouring snow outside. hah.
Well you could always try the classic attic black and white shot except with your own elements.
Silhouette her in front of the window. Just meter for the light outside.

Shoot her wearing all of the princess dresses at the same time. I'm serious.

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