asking for ur criticism :-)

fromEgypt01 said:
I'll reduce your blur!

hee hee

hey fromEgypt thanx but no need if u can't share ur knowledge.

Hi LittleMan I have some query for you that I already posted some messg before. Probably we are losing track of our discussion due to all these. plz contribute constructively fromEgypt!
the software that reduces the ammount of noise in a picture works this way:

It takes the most prominent pixel color and makes the pixel next to it the same color. The problem with it is.... if you look very closely to the edge of the building and the sky you will see a lot of grains in your photo... which is NOT good.
Also, NO program out there can get rid of the "blur" of your shaking camera...

Here is what I suggest...
Re-Take the photo.

Keep these things in mind:

1. Make sure the composition looks good.(take a lot of different compositions so that you can pick and choose)

2. Keep the horizon perfectly horizontal.(not leaning to one side or another)

3. Make sure there are no people walking in the way, unless they add to the composition.(there are two people at the bottom of your frame in your picture)

4. Set your camera up so that it has the highest F-Stop you can get and the lowest ISO you can get.(adjust brightness with exposure)

5. find something to rest your camera on, or use a tripod.

6. Take your time!

Also, remember that photography is all about being able to do anything to get a good picture! :D

The reason I want you to go and re-take the photo is because you shouldn't lean on digital manipulation to make a bad photo good... You should learn to use digital manipulation to make a good photo better.

Good luck!
Keep me updated with your progress! :D
Thanx LittleMan :)

yup I shall retake it, but that will take some time coz now its festive season out here so the place remains crowdy. but still I shall try my best.

I shall definitely update you. :)

Goodnight for today as I am leaving my office for the day...
Hi friends
I cannot resist the temptation to show anothor photo I took in the same series. LittleMan I know this one also has the same three mistakes as before (graininess, horizontality and blur) but except that anything more? let me know :). I just love to play with darkness and light and want to do it well :).

yeah friends whats your opinion???:)

santanuc said:
yeah friends whats your opinion???:)


My honest oppinion.... I like the composition, but like you said... it still has the same mistakes as before.... just practice on getting those things down and then everyone will be glad to crit. your photos :)
Thnax LittleMan for your honest opinion. :)

Well as u have instructed to make pic with lowest ISO lowest apperture and high shutter required I have recently taken a pic of a temple here in Kolkata. But well one thing I couldn't have done yet that is I couldn't use a tripod. I don't have one yet. I have to buy and for that I have to wait some time.

ISO was 100, apperture the highest for the zoom setting and shutter was 1/4sec (what I can remember). I just controlled my breathe to reduce the shake, didn't have any place to rest my camera on.


But horizontality is still a problem. I don't know why I do get tilted at the right hand side. Recently I took a pic of a pagoda in kolkata. I was cautious about my leaning right and I chose the frame properly. But still when I saw the snap I found I got tilted at right; probably at the time of pressing the shutter my position distorted. I don't know why? Is this any physical problem that I am suffering from? what should I do I am not sure, still I am trying hard to maintain horizontality.

I like the temple picture!

Couple of pointers:

-You should get a tripod. You will find it useful for night photography.
-The tilt can be fixed in Photoshop. Get Photoshop if you do not have it yet. And also be gentle with the shutter release button. :)

Good luck!
I like this last photo you took. You didn't mess up the horizon, it's just an illusion because you are at an angle compared to the building.
All you need now is a tripod! Then you can get those nice clear pictures!
Also, see how there is no noise since you used 100 ISO.... that's good.

Keep it up! You're doing good. :D
Here is how the horizon is placed in your last photo.... at such an angle you did a good job of having it in there at the correct angle...
danalec99 thanks for ur suggestions, I shall keep them in mind.

LittleMan I was very cautious when taking this pic. There was a shot before this one where I missed horizontality and I retook it.

but I failed to manage it for the pic below. I was referring to this one in my last post. I don't know whats the problem with me!!!!!!

LittleMan I was taking some street photo on 1st January; it was about 4pm. I took them with low ISO and smallest apperture possible at the zoom level. But I think it made the background prominent, which should be a bit more blur. What do you think?

The Narrator - One

Here is a pic of a narrator who is narrating to the crowd from an Indian epic "Ramayana"

ISO100 shutter 25 (what I can remember)


The Narrator - Two

went near to him. shutter 15 or 20...


Couple and the statue

shutter is 15

in the day time you can(should) shoot with a higher ISO Like 200 or so. That way it will catch everyone who is moving.
LittleMan said:
in the day time you can(should) shoot with a higher ISO Like 200 or so. That way it will catch everyone who is moving.

But I think ISO400 should not be chosen even in day time. Because the potrait below was taken at day time; it was just 4:53pm. ISO was 400 with apperture set to the minimum for the zoom level and hence shutter was, as I can recall, 40 or so. Still you can find heavy noise in the pic.

so what should be my apperture setting at day time? should I use the minimum or the maximum one for a particular zoom level (in my camera for any zoom level I can only choose from two predetermined apperture settings)?


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