Autumn Landscape - C&C


This is the right time..
May 25, 2014
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Can others edit my Photos
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As the fields have been harvested and we were travelling to a gorge in the north, I stopped to smoke a cigarette and wanted to get a few shots of these bales and this landscape we were passing through. I've done a basic edit on this one but I'm undecided if I like it, Be interested to hear any C&C and see if it resonates with my own concerns about it.

Hand held shot on D850 / 24mm / f8 / ISO100 / 1/1000 - Auto1 WB - Shot in RAW.
Processed using LR / PS and resized for posting here.

I like it quite a bit, the sun is a bit distracting though. I've run in to this problem myself. Everybody has different taste so I hope you don't mind. I cropped out the sun and did a little lightening here and there. I think it works but it was just a quick edit.
Agree with Jeff. My eye is drawn to the sun and out of the scene.
That was one of my main issues with it but second, I was annoyed that I didn't get the full tree in there, I've a similar shot that is a bit wider and captures the entire tree and because of the change of angle the sun isn't dominant in the shot, I'll edit that soon and see if I like it any better.
@Jeff G - Looks like a 16:9 crop?

Cheers for the feedback guys :)
Love the content and composition. The sky in general doesn't complement the rest of the scene.
Apart from the blown sun, it is a very nice scenic image.
Very quickly done in Affinity Photo using the content aware to just take out the sun without a crop.

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Love the content and composition. The sky in general doesn't complement the rest of the scene.

I'd have preferred a softer cloud cover and blue sky, but clouds and contrails it was; thanks all for the re-edits and input, kind of backs up my feelings :)
Nice colors and composition. I like the way the tree leans into the slope of the hill. Agree about the sun, , but with some good photoshop skills it can be removed.

sun removal-1.webp

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