Back from a VERY LONG hiatus.. New (old ) Mamiya 645.


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 27, 2006
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OK so after a VERY LONG hiatus, I am back for a bit.
Shooting a newly acquired mamiya 645 (pre 1000).

Curious to how many 645 shooters in film there still are and what film are you getting.
Its a tough road now to find it and not break the bank.
Welcome back! I've got a 645 AFD that I pull out every now and then when I want to get away and have some peace and quiet. Shooting PAN F and FP4.
Welcome back!

I'm shooting a 645 Pro TL. Using a variety of lenses from 35mm to 500mm. Primarily shooting Fujichrome and Kodak Portra and Ektar films.

Besides the 645, I also shoot a Hasselblad 500 C/M, Bronica SQ-A, RZ67, and 4x5.
Well given that my collection of digital is all well and good, I wanted to go film again for a whole bunch of reasons.
(Thanks to everyone so far BTW.)

I shot a test roll today and will see if there is any light leaks or other issues here soon.

Going to be fun doing film again.
even have an old Busch Mod. C about to fire up.
Welcome back and great your shooting film. For medium format I mainly use Delta 100 for BW and Ektar 100 for color. Most times it's through a Voigtlander.
I shot a lot of weddings with the same 645.
Ultrafine Extreme - shot with a Mamiya 645 pro tl.
I also shoot with a 645 Pro TL. I usually use Portra and HP5. I am also in a slump :(
Love my Mamiya Super and its noisy-but-necessary drive grip. Great for street and candids with a prism finder, more so than its 6x6 and 6x7 shelf mates. The plain vanilla 80/2.8--old or new--is a sweet lens. Kodak TMY-2 and Ilford XP2 work for me.

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