bad glare

My first question is what are the copyright laws that are in effect for the images?
My first question is what are the copyright laws that are in effect for the images?

As mentioned above, these images do not come from a commercially available poster. They are from an advertising poster that is almost 40 years old. I do have an image of the complete poster (from which I extracted the above 3 images). Nowhere on the poster is there any mention of who took the photographs, who printed the poster or any copyright information at all. I'm happy to upload the complete poster to verify this information. I hope this is ok.
Without knowing where you are, we can't say for sure, but in North America, none of that matters a whit; the image, unless explicitly released, is still under copyright by someone. That said, the images in the post if they are yours, would, I believe all outside of that.
My first question is what are the copyright laws that are in effect for the images?

As mentioned above, these images do not come from a commercially available poster. They are from an advertising poster that is almost 40 years old. I do have an image of the complete poster (from which I extracted the above 3 images). Nowhere on the poster is there any mention of who took the photographs, who printed the poster or any copyright information at all. I'm happy to upload the complete poster to verify this information. I hope this is ok.

Without knowing who took the photos, you really don't have much of any way of finding out who might still own the copyrights to it. That doesn't automatically mean the images are up for grabs (legal term is 'public domain'). One should take the safest course of action and assume the copyright owner still maintains and enforces said rights.

Ignoring the law, or assuming it won't apply to you, has a nasty habit of garnering letters written by lawyers showing up via registered mail.

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