bamboo tablets/pad opinions

HeY iTs ScOTtY

TPF Noob!
Jun 29, 2009
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north west indiana
Can others edit my Photos
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just wondering if anyone uses a tablet to help with editing? i was looking at the bamboo fun tablet today and for 99.00 you get the pad plus elements so it seems like a good deal. just looking to see if it makes editing easier or maybe even funner lol. let me know what you think. if you do have one give me a run down about its plus and minuses - likes and dislikes about it or other pads. thanks
I use an Wacom tablet when I have to edit a lot of images that have very fine details. Most of my basic touch ups can be handled with a mouse without too much frustration. But, for example, after a wedding if there are 200 images all with the same facial blemishes that need fixing, the tablet will easily cut the time in half.

I couldn't vouch for the tablet you're looking at, but I can say that if you have any history with traditional art, you'll probably love the tablet.
I have the bamboo fun.

It's a good tablet and very useful. It's limitation is size. It can get a little frustrating dealing with such a small surface area. Once you are use to it, it's ok.

I will say that I wind up using it less than I thought I would. Still useful to have and I sometimes find I move to it for some fine detail work and then go back to a mouse for the rest.
I have an Intuous 4 (Medium) that I use almost all the time now. I love it so much, that I use it for basic navigation on my computer. And I have no history with traditional art (I'm terrible at drawing; I think my hands are better tuned to mechanical things like saxophone and piano). Editing with brushes felt like a chore to me before, and now it's definitely more fun. And like bpetruzzo, it's cut my editing time in half as well. Easily.
Tablets are great, once you get used to editing with it, you won't want to go back to a mouse.
+1 for the Wacom Tablet
I use a Wacom as well and I could not go back to editing with a mouse.
As well you can upgrade your photoshop Elements it comes with to CS4 for half the price of a new copy.
i also have a wacom graphire at work...the small one...4x5 maybe?
it's AWESOME...i need something for home because when i want to edit at home i have to use a trackball, and i long for my tablet.

it will vastly improve your editing imo.
I used the Bamboo... it works fine. The thing is, now that I use LightRoom for 90% of my pics, I don't even use the mouse, much less the tablet... it's all keyboard, and WAY faster.

It depends on what you do with it and how you PP. In CS3, which is what I use, it rocks and the control I have over the effect and how I want to apply it is better with the tablet than the mouse.
Another Intuos 4 Medium user. Pen tablets rock.

Surprisingly though, there doesn't seem to be a lot of 'buzz' about them.
I really like one, however, I had a little difficulty getting acclimated.
Ah yeah, I suppose one should mention that getting used to it takes a while. I felt really weird and out of my element using the tablet at first. It took a few days of constant use to really get comfortable; proficient enough to edit with it, anyway. (I took me awhile to figure-out I didn't need to have the pen touching the tablet for the cursor to track. >.< )

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