Baseball Sequence CC

Ryan L

TPF Noob!
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Shelbyville, MI
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Someone recently posted a sequence shot of diving (I think) recently so I thought I would give it a try at a baseball game. Besides the busy background (it is what it is in the sports world), any suggestions?


Try and position yourself so that you can see the subject's face more closely if possible.
I was on the side of the dugout for the first, I really couldnt get much more in front. They dont like me on the baseball field for some odd reason! lol
Actually, I posted the sequence on wakeboarding, and am about to post another one... I think the first one is pretty cool. Aside from the people in the background, there is a foot right between the first pitcher's legs which my eyes just seem to glue to. Other than that, I like the first one. If you could have gotten that same position on the second one, it would have made the shot...
I didnt even notice the foot...thats why I post for CC! I have several, I just wanted to try the front and back shots. The ones from the front are harder since their arms come across their body to pitch, and frequently get in the way of their face. The good thing is, there are plenty of pitches in a game. I did these handheld as well, would have been easier to have the frames match exactly.
and thank you for inspiring me with the wakeboarding shot, that was the one.
As far as the foot goes, it always seems like I miss something too in mine that someone else notices... like the sign in the other photo I posted... So I know exactly how you feel. For hand holding, that's really good. I don't have that steady of a hand, mine were done with a tripod and a wireless shutter release. I have another one that I'm working on and its from across the lake, its like 17-19 different frames so its taking me forever... Lastly, I can see how it would be difficult with the arm coming over, not easy for sure...
Lots of fun with those. Great sharp focus. I like the way the front foot in the first on liens up. Crop out the background.

BTW Remind me how you take those? Do you stack them with layering software?

I am taking my camera to a Minor League game tomorrow night.

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