burning & dodging in ps


TPF Noob!
Jun 4, 2003
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open photo you want to burn/dodge
make a copy of the layer
click on layer->new layer
(you have to do this for access to greyscale button- keyboard shortcuts won't work here)
change mode to overlay
click box that says fill with 50% greyscale
click ok
activate brush tool- set opacity to approx 30%
hit d on keyboard to change foreground color to white
make brush appropriate size
with white as foreground color, paint the areas you want to dodge
to burn, hit x on keyboard to switch to black
if the first swipe with the brush does not do it, go over area until desired tone is achieved
the advantage to this method is no "bruising" of pixels, which happens when you burn/dodge directly on layer you want to change
Thanks, man! I've been doing it the old way, and kinda hate it. I've been too lazy to look up how to do it better (there's so much to learn). This will be a big help. That "briuising" sucks, and you can't undo it once it's saved. Woo!

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