C&C this Portrait!

There is a line above her eyebrow ridge of uneven skin tone that you should fix. If you can even that out and balance it with the skin showing on her chest I think it would be better. Posing wise I think its always best to have a slight angle to a body. Shooting straight on isn't always the most flattering. I love the creamy background and the contrast between it and her shirt. Thats all I can really say.
appreciate the comment but even at full size I can't see this line above her eyebrow ridge. Is it a horizontal or vertical line? Do you mean the lighter area in the center of her forehead? Still a rank amateur with CS5.
It looks good. I have two comments though.
The white blob next to her head, clone in some greenery there. No biggy.

I also have issues with her skin, but it may be make up related. Her facevand neck look like there has been some smoothing going on whether you did or not, ot looks like it. It has a greenish cast or somethin I can't put my finger on. But about the neck pit at the top of the sternum/ collar bone area and below, her skin looks natural and has more texture. It almost looks as if a different head was cloned onto this body.

Hope that helps?
i guess I need to tone back the PP a bit. Again, self teaching CS5 is probably not the surest route. The cast could be my white balance? Or could the Portrait Pro effect be too strong?
The color looks good everywhere else to me. It's really greenish under/around her chin.

I dunno, I might not have noticed anything if it weren't for that, if the chest looked the same.
Its very faint but like BJ said there is a bit of cast to the face. I wasn't sure if it was my monitor or the foliage relfecting or what but her face looks more pp than her chest. Its horizontal line and its faint but I can see it. Might be something you have done with PP. Right above her eyebrown ridge.
I can easily fix that ;)

I think I'm starting to get the 'hang' of portrature. For a long time shooting people intimadated me.

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