C&C wanted on fireworks photos.


Fuzzy, wuzzy Nanuq
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Dec 9, 2006
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This is my first attempt at shooting fireworks. These were taken at our County's fairgrounds so there weren't any real landmarks - just a couple of very dark trees. The camera was mounted on a tripod, however I didn't use the remote shutter release.

I realize these look like a few thousand others. My main question is should I keep or remove the lights at the bottom of the frame?


1. Nikon D40, 18mm, f/11, 4 seconds, ISO 200

2. Nikon D40, 18mm, f/11, 4 seconds, ISO 200

3. Nikon D40, 18mm, f/11, 4 seconds, ISO 200

4. Nikon D40, 18mm, f/16, 6 seconds, ISO 200
I don't think the lights add anything to the picture. It's a shame not to have landmarks around to include.
I'd remove. They don't add anything.

Even though fireworks can get redundant, they are cool and have meaning to you the shooter and your family. They are always cool to look at. Cool shots.
That was what I figured. I just wanted to get others' thoughts.

I love the lights. Without the lights it's just fireworks. The lights add a little context without being too much. They connect the fireworks to the ground, echoing some of the color and light of the fireworks, and without crowding the frame with contextual junk.

Maybe the lights aren't in the best place, maybe they're not the best lights, I can't really say. The idea of the lights is solid, though.
i would leave the lights too. It gives people the sense of how big the firework is. It could very well be just a sparkle at the backyard :).

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