Canon EOS100 (Elan) Battery Help


TPF Noob!
May 31, 2018
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TL;DR my film camera takes a 2CR5 6v Lithium battery and since the first one died out, none of the batteries from multiple brands work. Help!!

This is kind of a long post. I'm new here. A year and some months ago I got a Canon EOS 100 film camera at a used camera store in Glasgow (I understand that the used part might be my problem here, but I'm remaining optimistic). When I bought it, the guy at the store popped a 2CR5 Lithium 6v battery in from Kodak. It lasted about a year and when I tried to replace it with a store brand, the battery symbol flashed. Apparently that means the battery is dead, however it's not a rechargeable battery so I just figured I picked up a faulty one. So I took the camera into a camera store/repair shop to make sure it's a battery problem, not a camera problem. The guy couldn't help me a whole lot other than to recommend to get a new battery and try again. So I went and got the same store brand as before, and it still didn't work. So I looked online and Kodak stopped making 2CR5s a while ago apparently. So I ordered an Energizer one, and the same thing happened. I contacted Canon support and the best they could say is to clean out the battery port so I did that and ordered a Panasonic battery after reading that they tend to work well with Canon cameras. This time the battery symbol doesn't flash, but the camera just doesn't turn on at all.

I love this camera and can't afford to buy a whole new one. Has anyone else had this problem? Any recommendations on how to fix it or at least what to tell or ask someone at a camera shop?

Thank you!!
If your battery contacts are clean and the battery fits good in place then it sounds like an internal camera problem. Manufacture of the battery should have no baring on the battery working or not. I've used at least 8 different battery brands in my A2E (since 1996) and they all have worked fine.
Just a note, I've seen Elan body's sell here for about $75 in working order. Repair could cost as much as $150-200.
Due to my experience with Canon EOS film cameras I would say that you're lucky the camera ever worked at all. I come across them frequently and only buy them if they have a decent lens attached and I consider the EOS film body to be an oversized rear lens cap because they almost never work. The "pro" EOS film bodies (EOS 1, etc) might be more reliable but I wouldn't bet any money on them.

I don't mean to pick on Canon particularly. A lot of the "first wave" autofocus film SLRs are a risky buy these days. They might look pretty on the outside but they're often dead as door nails.
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I have all kinds of mechanical film cameras that still work and some that don't and are for display, but my Canon A2 (I think?) quit working (been so long since I used it I forget the model number). Last time I put in another new battery it still just sat there and went - what? Didn't do a thing. Apparently if the electronics go out, it's just not going to work and usually isn't worth the repair.

Don't know what's in your area but probably finding another Canon film camera cheap that uses the same lenses you already have might be your best option.
Thanks everyone!!

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