Canon lens help, frustrated

Not the 135L that does that. It is the Brenizer method. I could use the 50mm, 70-200mm.. you name it.

How many shots did you use for this shot? I want to try this effect. Best lens I would have is my 70-210 f2.8. i have an engagement shoot coming up.
Not the 135L that does that. It is the Brenizer method. I could use the 50mm, 70-200mm.. you name it.

I just googled that, thats really awesome!!!
Not the 135L that does that. It is the Brenizer method. I could use the 50mm, 70-200mm.. you name it.

Thanks for showing this! Like Analog_Universe, I'm going to have to experiment with this. Now I wonder if the same method could be used for macro? Hmmm.
Not the 135L that does that. It is the Brenizer method. I could use the 50mm, 70-200mm.. you name it.

Thanks for showing this! Like Analog_Universe, I'm going to have to experiment with this. Now I wonder if the same method could be used for macro? Hmmm.

It can indeed, but you will need to calculate the appropriate center of rotation for your lens, to avoid parallax distortion. Just as if you were doing a pano...

I was just browsing the Brenizer flickr group though, there are a lot of cool applications.
300F2.8L should be good for that sort of shot, i was shooting some surf when i took this shot
Not the 135L that does that. It is the Brenizer method. I could use the 50mm, 70-200mm.. you name it.

Thanks for showing this! Like Analog_Universe, I'm going to have to experiment with this. Now I wonder if the same method could be used for macro? Hmmm.

For macro you probably want focus stacking.

That shot I did about maybe 6 frames.

Here are some more



That shot I did about maybe 6 frames.

Cool. I was a bit worried at first because the tutorial I read said the guy used like 40 photos and I really couldnt understand why it would take so many shots. Plus that would take a lot of time. 6 i can do no problem. Do these tend to be a big an attention grabber with your clients as they are with us here?
300F2.8L should be good for that sort of shot, i was shooting some surf when i took this shot

I like how they stick out with their vibrant jackets against the earth tones in the blurry background.

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