A few thoughts for possible improvement:
1. Your 'About' page should at least have a level horizon, even if you're not going to show people what you actually look like;
2. No need to have two identical menus;
3. Your sub-menu font colour is difficult to read in some situations; and
4. Consider reducing the number of galleries and grouping by category to a maximum of 4-5 galleries and 10-20 images per.
very nice website. for right now im just trying to get my work out there and I'm limited to what i can do with my website because I'm not paying for anything since im a college student and money is a little tight at the moment. I can take a look at the sub-menu again, i knew it was tough to see sometimes but they have limited options so thats why i made the left one as well and different ways of getting to the areas whether by clicking on image galleries itself or using the feed, thank you for your input