Crumpler Daily XXL camera bag


TPF Noob!
Apr 5, 2013
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Brighton, UK
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For sale is my lightly used and very clean Crumpler camera bag. This bag is unmarked with the exemption of a couple of light marks to the base of the bag.

It is great bag for carrying a large amount of photography kit and a 17" laptop all in one bag in comfort.

It will easily hold a 14-24, 24-70, 70-200mm with Pro DSLR and flash kit, with full 17" Laptop plus loads of extra kit....

See a review I found on line with lots of images to go with it... These were £140 when I got it and its almost like new condition.

£75 Transfer or cash on collection

review at


I am selling due to moving from Pro size DSLR to a mirror less system and it is now too big for my kit, shame as its probably the best made and thought out camera bag I have ever owned.

Pick up welcome or possible meet.....
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