D300 versus D7000


TPF Noob!
Dec 2, 2010
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Going from hobby to more serious photography (weddings, portraits, fashion) I would like to upgrade my D80;
thinking of D300 or d7000? What are the big differences and in what way are the megapixels an important factor? I heard D300 gives better quality images.
The D7000 gives better quality images. The D300 is faster for sports.
The D7000 has way better high iso performance.
The D300 handles old lenses better and is a bit bigger and more comfortable to work with (if you're using a grip ofc)
The D7000 has better AF and the only advantage the D300 has over it is that it's faster and better seales agains moisture and dust.

Go for the D7000+grip!
D300 faster AF, better body sealing and can fit the MB-D10 which you could find second hand cheaper than the D7000 grip.
D7000 better image quality...

For me it would be the D300s, you could find it pretty cheap second hand the faster AF just pushes it for me!
Actually the D7000 handles old lenses just as good as the D300.

Gripped D7000 replaced my beloved D300s.
The D7000 has a more accurate AF
The D300 has a faster AF.
am i right now? :P
D300s has more external controls.
D300s has more focus points and more of them are cross-type focus points.
D300s can do 9 AEB (D7000 can only do 3 AEB)
D300s has a full metal body and weather sealing

D7000 is newer so it has more MP and better high ISO performance.
D7000 has the EXPEED II image processor and a new 2,016-pixel RGB metering sensor. (D300s metering sensor is 1,005-pixel RGB).

The new higher MP image sensor, improved high ISO performance, EXPEED II image processor, and new 2016-pixel RGB metering sensor the D7000 have, will either all be in the D400(?) rumored to appear in 2011, or will have new pieces having even more capability.
The D7000 has a more accurate AF
The D300 has a faster AF.
am i right now? :P
What makes the D7000 AF more accurate?

It has fewer focus points, and fewer of them are cross-type focus points.

It has a new improved focusingsensor. I don't remember the name of it but it has more pixels then the 1005px that's in the D300.

If you know swedish here's a thread about that the D7000 has more accurate in LV then just normal. i dunno why tho.

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