D5100 or D7000?


TPF Noob!
Aug 23, 2011
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OK, so, I currently have a D3000. It's my first DSLR, and I've had it for approaching a year. It was fine for a while, but as I progressed in photography, it became very limiting. I'm now looking for my next camera. I have narrowed it down to the D5100 and the D7000. I'll be able to get the D5100 right at my brithday, but I'll probably have to wait another few months if I want the D7000 after that. What do you guys think I should get? It's not like I'm super professional, it's just, the D3000 gets limiting, I'm sure you all know, I mean, this is a photography forum. So, I want your guys's opinions, what should I do?
guys, I know there is a thread discussing this already, I mean, what's good for me! If you guys need more details on what I do I will give them to you. I like macro photography, landscapes, and sports photography, but I don't get a whole lot of situations for doing sports, so mainly macro and landscape.
I think you most probably need Macro lens + extension tubes & wide-angle lens. If you have those already and have enough budget, get a D300s (or wait for it's replacement D400). D7000 is better than D5100 but I had bad experience already. See http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/nikon/254218-d7000-mechanical-sound.html, and another one http://www.thephotoforum.com/forum/nikon/254535-d7000-oil-spots-sensor.html.

Anyway majority of the D7000 owner that replied to my thread has no problem at all with their unit. Probably different quality control here (product Made in Thailand). Nothing against the country or product, but my 2 years old D90 is far more better. So if you have the budget, macro lens (& necessary kits) etc. then get a D7000. If you want to go beyond that (i.e. you can wait), get the D400.

Just my opinion. ..and.. you never know, in few months there is D7100 (just like D3000->D3100, D5000->D5100).
I agree with edddial.... either the D7000 (the 5100 would not be enough of a step up to make it worthwhile, imo!) or go with the D400 (but that is probably still going to be a serious chunk of change more than the D7000.)

I have a D7000... and have had no issues at all. I love the camera.. and would only stop using it if I get the D800 or the D400. I would keep the D7000 for a backup body though...
the d7000 is the absolute top of my budget. I can't go higher.
What specifically do you find limiting about the 3000? Can you give us examples?

Would you be better off buying some good glass, and continuing to work with your current body? Or possibly some flashes or accessories to help you improve your shots?

What other gear do you currently have? What kind of photos do you like to shoot?

Or are you like me, and like new toys? :)
My D5000 played out in no time and I sold it and got a D7000 for more reasons than I can list within a few months. Don't waste your time and money on less.
My D5000 played out in no time and I sold it and got a D7000 for more reasons than I can list within a few months. Don't waste your time and money on less.

This is good advice :) I had a D90 before the D7000 and i LOVE my D7000!
Yep love my D90 and wouldn't touch a entry level cam like the D5100. With it's lack of features and controls,smaller viewfinder. No flash commander mode to operate wirelessly nikon flashes or built in motor for more lens choices.

And D7000 if at all possible if not the D90 is a great bang for the buck second choice.
I recently(within the last month) purchased a D5100 and really wish now I would have went ahead and spent the extra money on the D7000.. I have been thinking about getting rid of the 5100 and picking up the 7000 but may wait until the D400 comes out.

I'd say go ahead and save and get the D7000.
Save up and get the D7000. I think it's a complete step up in class from the D5100. I love my D7000.
as owner of D5100 i think it is great camera, i also built a Nikon D5100 site/blog (Nikon D5100) which covers tutorials and comparisons to other cameras, including Nikon D5100 VS Nikon D7000 page (i am adding posts on weekly basis).
basically - i think that the D5100 gives you great sensor (same as the D7000) and features for its price, and unless you really need all D7000 features, i'll say, save you'r money , and go with the D5100.
hope i helped.

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