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D60 vs. Rebel XS


TPF Noob!
Aug 21, 2008
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I am new to photography and looking into getting a DSLR, I was curious what everyone's opinion is for a good starter camera. Also, I was wondering if people could offer up their opinion on the D60 versus the Canon Rebel XS. Thanks for your input.
well never used a d60 but ive used a d40 and ive heard the d60 is just a d40 only 10 mp. and i barely used a xs but used a xti. and IMO the xs wuld be better with same mp, but with sensor cleaning, able to use all canon lenses, canons awsom image quality IMO.

the d60 is more user friendly. i saw the XTI is better then xs cuz the eye sensor, and can get for cheaper, basically same camera. d60 is like d40 so if u gonna get d60 i say get d40. only difference in mp which is usless. only usefull if printing large prints
I have the Canon XS, and I must say, its an awesome camera. Very user friendly, IMO. The only thing I like more about Nikons is the sound they make when the shutter is released, haha.
I am a Canon guy myself... I have tried both and like the XS more.

Isn't there an issue with the D60 and lenses??
Oh, and I've heard Nikon has had some bad customer support reputation lately.
The issue with the d60 and lenses, is that if you put non af-s or af-I (basically any lens with an autofocus motor in it) on the d60 it wont autofocus. The reason being there is no autofocus motor in the d60 body. It used to be a bigger issue a year or so ago then it is now because now they realeased af-s versions of most of the main primes. Though I was just looking, and I thought they released a 50mm 1.8 with af-s but i could only find the 1.4 version.
well never used a d60 but ive used a d40 and ive heard the d60 is just a d40 only 10 mp. and i barely used a xs but used a xti. and IMO the xs wuld be better with same mp, but with sensor cleaning, able to use all canon lenses, canons awsom image quality IMO.

the d60 is more user friendly. i saw the XTI is better then xs cuz the eye sensor, and can get for cheaper, basically same camera. d60 is like d40 so if u gonna get d60 i say get d40. only difference in mp which is usless. only usefull if printing large prints

sorry. I have a hard time understanding what you're saying, but

the D60 aslo has a dust reduction and sensor cleaning system

You do have the ability to use all nikon lenses, albeit you will have to manually focus ones that don't have an internal motor. I don't think this is that big of a deal unless you are shooting sports or other fast moving objects. You can still use the af sensors to tell you if it is, or is not in focus.

and d40 vs. d60 sometimes the extra 4 megapixels can come in handy if you are cropping tight.

At the end of the day, it ends up being more or less a decision of what feels better in your hands, which system has a better lens selection for what you shoot, and how the menus work for you. It's completely subjective to what you like.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter whether you got a xt, xti, xs, xsi, d40, d50, d70 because if you don't know how to use it they'll all produce equally poor pictures. Remember that only a bad carpenter will blames his tools.
Thanks for the input guys, I think primarily I want to use the camera for landscape, static objects, and some portrait. Given that do you guys recommend Canon XS or the D60, also I saw someone say the Xti is better than the XS? Thus another question arises XS versus Xti? Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the input guys, I think primarily I want to use the camera for landscape, static objects, and some portrait. Given that do you guys recommend Canon XS or the D60, also I saw someone say the Xti is better than the XS? Thus another question arises XS versus Xti? Any help would be much appreciated.

Answer is: it depends.

If you are going to use it mainly for landscape or static objects to me, odd's the difference between the D60 and the XS. You'll have just as good of a lens selection with nikon. I mean you might have to manual focus, but if you are shooting landscapes and static objects, then it doesn't matter

Same with xti vs xs from what I understand The XTi has the extra high precision x point for lenses that are f2.8 or greater the XS has the normal f5.6 x point. The XTi has the edge, but that won't matter much if what you shoot doesn't move.

As i said in my previous post you are going to get a lot of the same things no matter what way you go, and it really only comes down to small features that won't really make that much of a difference.

The common advice on this thread is to go to the store, hold them, try them out and see which one you like best. Some people may like the user interface of the canon (I can't comment) but I will never buy one because I hate the ergonomics of them. I hate where the shutter button is, where the selector wheel is etc.. so I will never shoot canon untill that changes. That's just one example of how you really have to go see it for yourself before you buy.
Answer is: it depends.

If you are going to use it mainly for landscape or static objects to me, odd's the difference between the D60 and the XS. You'll have just as good of a lens selection with nikon. I mean you might have to manual focus, but if you are shooting landscapes and static objects, then it doesn't matter

Same with xti vs xs from what I understand The XTi has the extra high precision x point for lenses that are f2.8 or greater the XS has the normal f5.6 x point. The XTi has the edge, but that won't matter much if what you shoot doesn't move.

As i said in my previous post you are going to get a lot of the same things no matter what way you go, and it really only comes down to small features that won't really make that much of a difference.

The common advice on this thread is to go to the store, hold them, try them out and see which one you like best. Some people may like the user interface of the canon (I can't comment) but I will never buy one because I hate the ergonomics of them. I hate where the shutter button is, where the selector wheel is etc.. so I will never shoot canon untill that changes. That's just one example of how you really have to go see it for yourself before you buy.

Deja vu.
Thanks for the input guys, I think primarily I want to use the camera for landscape, static objects, and some portrait. Given that do you guys recommend Canon XS or the D60, also I saw someone say the Xti is better than the XS? Thus another question arises XS versus Xti? Any help would be much appreciated.

Being honest...

For the work your looking at doing the Pentax K20D or K200D would be perfect as you have access to some of the best prime lenses (both in price and quality) available.

The 77mm Limited Pentax lens for example is probably the best ( it's definatly the best in it's price range ) Prime portrait lens available.

The K200D and K20D also have top panel displays which I find invaluable, are much better built than the competition and have weathersealing - ideal if your working outdoors.

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