Daylight Lighting help


TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2012
Reaction score
Grand Rapids, MI
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
First off, I'm a noob, but know a fair amount about how to take a photo, but nothing about lighting.

I'm shooting my brother and sister in law's family portrait this evening and they would like natural lighting, but we have to shoot around 5:30 or 6 when the sun has already set. I have a lamp from my Grandpa's old workshop that has a pretty bright, regular light in it and a big reflector/diffuser panel.

What's the best way to light them? I'm thinking I need a color conversion gel filter, but don't really have any budget for equipment.
Don't over think it. First, don't shoot after the sun sets, shoot before it sets. ;)
Once the sun goes down...there isn't much in the way of 'natural' lighting.

Are you shooting indoors or outdoors?
All light is made of photons. However, there are different ways to make light.

Light from a flash unit or a constant electrical light is just as 'natural' as sunlight is.

Is your grandpa's old workshop light a fluorescent, or incandescent light? That would determine what gel you would use to make it equivalent to daylight.

Will you be using a digital camera?

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